Super Size Me

Luis G

Staff member
Just watched it, I must say I'm rather overwhelmed by it.

For those that don't know what it is, is a documentary by a guy that went on a Mcdiet for 30 days, by the day 21 his liver was severely damaged, his sex life was a big NO NO, he had emotional swings, felt depressed and after eating felt better.

Even thou it is true that there are few or no people that eat daily any sort of fast food, it gives a hint about how harmful that stuff is.

I remember that I ate a bigmac a regularly during a week and I could see how much weight I gained, it kinda freaked me out :eek:
I don't know why people are surprised or why a documentry, or more like muckracking is really opening people's eyes?

Was it not the food itself that gave it away?

The fact that suing Mcdonalds only glorifies one's ignorance about what they put in their body.

It all really comes down to

"Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me 3 times a day for months on end and I sue you for my negligence and obesity"

I mean when you point out such health ruinous food that Mcdonalds serves what do you really show people?

That people themselves are ultimetly what drive Mcdonalds to get away with this atrocity? Buisness works on supply and demand and Mcdonalds has never had shame being a staple in the urban communities, providing low cost, fast, dining for poor families who desire a need for outing and a meal in a sit down restaurant.

They give you a meal that smells good, it has been processed too

They give you a meal that tastes good, it has been processed too.

They give you meal that fills you up while saving you money

and they employ the young, the poor, the minorities, they donate to charity

They serve you the American dream....what more could people want really. I mean through out the years we put Mcdonalds on the map because it was there when a busy mom couldn't be for her kids. We forced Mcdonalds into adopting methods of strict effciency and cutting corners because god knows we can't wait an extra 30 seconds. The warnings have been always there. Anyone with a working brain cell knew that the Mcdonalds beef patty came from about a dozen different cows...but do we because we were filled and happy.

...but now we noticed a pound or two, diabetes problems, obesity epidemic so rightly we blame Mcdonalds.....

This is the problem with the U.S...we have learned to whine, complain, piss, moan and become a collective group of exhibitionists..

So he ate Mcdonalds for 30 days?....for what purpose? What did he really tell us that we didn't know?

Did he ever report on Mcdonalds dubious support for movements against higher meat pruducing regulations? For higher slaughterhouse regulations? For much, MUCH stricter and much needed beef maintenece regulations? Did he eve rshed light on the beef trusts themselves lobbying against or even muscleing out anybody who goes against them?

I doubt it.....because thats not fun to watch. He is another in a line of ever popular documentry film makers who aim for entertainment, not objective reporting.
IC, I think the same way as you do.

The documentary is not only about him eating the whole time, he visits schools, interview regular people and specialists. He puts clearly the stupidity of people, how many mcdonald's restaurants have no nutritional information, no warnings.

Any people with a common sense and a little knowledge will not eat fast food regularly, but is that really the case of the majorities?, I doubt it, they are still in bussiness and going strong. Where's the education? and what's the obesity trend?, are these people ignorants, stupids or they don't simply give a fuck about their health?

The people whine and whine, yet they do little to improve their situation, they get fat and blame it on mcdonald's, they get lung cancer and they sue marlboro, sounds like the perfect bussiness to me. After all, those companies care more about the bussiness anyway. Which leads us to ask, should there be any form of regulation?, where are the ethic principles?.

People want it extra large, can you believe the super size coke of 1/2 gallon (2 litres?), that's the ammount of coke I drink in a week or two. Half pound of french fries, shit man, they should give them instead the same stuff they put into animals so they can grow fast and FAT.

People don't want to exercize, they want to lose weight with magic pills, with hypnosis, while watching tv, while sleeping, with no effort, eating whatever they want.


About the documentary again, knowing that fast food is bad for you is nothing new for me, but I never thought it could be THAT BAD. Even a specialist said he did not believe how that diet was harming him so quickly and so bad. That's preciselly what impressed me.
Didn't see it. However this is rather suspicious
by the day 21 his liver was severely damaged,
There can't be a correlation between the two. Years of hard core alcohol abuse & eating poorly doesn't do that in 21 days.
Gonz said:
Didn't see it. However this is rather suspicious

There can't be a correlation between the two. Years of hard core alcohol abuse & eating poorly doesn't do that in 21 days.

He had medical exams before and during the diet, his health was perfect before the diet.
There is something unsaid here. No, I'm not a doctor & I don't even play on on TV but 21 days from a fully functioning normal healthy liver to a damaged liver because of hamburgers & fries?

Highly improbable.
I've been on that diet for 25 years and only have a half damaged liver and only marginal mood swings. I must be doing something wrong.
Gonz said:
There is something unsaid here. No, I'm not a doctor & I don't even play on on TV but 21 days from a fully functioning normal healthy liver to a damaged liver because of hamburgers & fries?

Highly improbable.

Not quite so improbable if someone there had Hepatitis, and passed it along. :confused:
Hepatitis "can" mess a liver up quick. Especially if you drink alcohol on top of it.
how many mcdonald's restaurants have no nutritional information, no warnings.
I'm certainly not trying to defend what they call food, however, this isn't true. Almost every McDonalds I've been in for the last few years has the nutritional info posted somewhere. I have to go with the majority here, sure eating McD's isn't good for you on a full time basis. Eating any type of food full time probably isn't. You could do the same study on just about any fast-food place with a limited menu and get much the same results I'm afraid. What people need to realize is that fast-food isn't meant for a full time diet. I still go nuts when they do the 2 Big Macs for 2 bucks days though.
catocom said:
Not quite so improbable if someone there had Hepatitis, and passed it along. :confused:
Hepatitis "can" mess a liver up quick. Especially if you drink alcohol on top of it.

Hepatitis would be the unsaid factor I'm looking for, assuming that's the case. The way they presented it & Luis passed it along, the food caused the damage. :shrug:
Gonz said:
Hepatitis would be the unsaid factor I'm looking for, assuming that's the case. The way they presented it & Luis passed it along, the food caused the damage. :shrug:

yeah the story seems to have a left leaning slant to it. :nerd:
Gonz said:
Hepatitis would be the unsaid factor I'm looking for, assuming that's the case. The way they presented it & Luis passed it along, the food caused the damage. :shrug:

Yep, that's the way it's shown on the film.
I have to add in here, even though I am linkless there was a gantleman who followed the same diet, meal for meal EXCEPT he had diet cokes, and he was healthy after it was over, he even lost a few pounds.
also he exesized 20 minutes a day.

I think this movie was to McDonalds what Farenheit 911 was to George W. Bush.

No I don't think the food is healthy, but neither do I think it is poison, there whole company is based on repeat business, do you really think they want to kill there clientel
paul_valaru said:
I have to add in here, even though I am linkless there was a gantleman who followed the same diet, meal for meal EXCEPT he had diet cokes, and he was healthy after it was over, he even lost a few pounds.
also he exesized 20 minutes a day.

This guy didn't exercize, he was allowed to walk as much as the regular guy, 500 steps i think.
paul_valaru said:
No I don't think the food is healthy, but neither do I think it is poison, there whole company is based on repeat business, do you really think they want to kill there clientel

*lights a cigarette*
Eating burgers, drinking pop and 500 steps a day (500 steps a day?? that can't be right.....I walk more stairs than that in an average day) makes you unhealthy eh?

500 steps and a McDonalds? The SOB must've been living on a city street under all of natures elements. No wonder he got all sicky.