Support for Bush grows, poll finds


Screwing with the code...
Staff member
THE PRESIDENT’S approval rating of 67 percent in the poll of 516 adults conducted Sunday was up from 62 percent on March 17, two days before the first air strikes against Iraq. The percentage of Americans who disapprove of Bush’s job performance also declined by 5 percent, from 33 percent to 28 percent, over the period.

I love this, seems like ol' georgie is doing better than a few thought.
Any President gets the patriotic 'bump' during these situations. Its not solid endorsement of the man. Its more a show of solidarity.
yep, and thats how it should be. no matter if you agree or disagree with the percieved intentions of why anything was started. Which my bud squiggs does. :D
Unfortunately though there are many others that would sooner go back to there govt funded (scholarships and such classes and rebuke the people who have adequately supplied them an education or jobs and such.
And remember the 2002 elections... If he is so bad, people wouldn't have voted to give Congress to his party.
in the poll of 516 adults conducted Sunday
Who picked the 516? Are we assuming this is a representative cross section of Americans? In the real world, he couldn't even garner 50% of the people who weren't too apathetic or too disinterested to vote in the last presidential election.
Polls are conducted in numerous ways. People in a mall who say "OK, I'll help" all the way to phone calls to people who previously have stated they are likely to vote...
Yes, I know, but take one at a mall, one at a university and one at a working class bar, and I promise it will look like you didn't even ask the same question each time. I don't think 516 people are nearly enough for any kind of meaningful poll. Many of the polls I've participated in (I always say yes) ask leading questions or questions from only one side of an issue. All this particular poll really says, is that 346 of the people asked support President Bush.
It's kind of like the 90's economic boom was Clintons, or Reagans, depends on whose numbers you use. I've pissed off my share of pollseters when asked a pick A, Bor C question & I answer D & fill in the blanks. Usually the response is, thanks *click* :D