Swayze has 5 weeks


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Patrick Swayze Diagnosed With Cancer, Five Weeks Left to Live

Atlanta, GA 3/05/2008 03:05 PM GMT (FINDITT)

Patrick Swayze, best known for his role in Dirty Dancing, has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and told that he has just five weeks to live.

Swayze, 55, has been sick with the disease since he was diagnosed in late January with pancreatic cancer. The cancer has since spread to other organs and now the actor/dancer is dying.

For the past month, Swayze has been traveling to Stanford University’s prestigious cancer center in Palo Alto for radical chemotherapy, but his doctors are no longer optimistic that the treatments will be successful, according to the National Enquirer.

Swayze received three treatments of chemotherapy, causing the tumor to shrink, but less than his doctors had hoped for. He was then told that he should prepare for the end.

it does actually sound pretty credible, and he is looking thin.

"Dirty Dancing" star Patrick Swayze has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and is currently undergoing treatment, a representative for the actor said Wednesday in a written statement.

The statement was issued following a report earlier in the day by the National Enquirer in which the tabloid said Swayze, 55, had five weeks to live because doctors in late January had diagnosed pancreatic cancer that had spread to other organs.
I heard this on the radio late last night, I couldn't believe it! It will be a GREAT loss to everyone.I feel for his family and friends.
I had a frien, samw age as me and she kept having a horrible pain in her side and the mom kept asking them tto test her for that, well, docs felt it wasnt neccesary, three wks later she pased away.