system on crack


Well-Known Member
I really should remember to backup my system before screwing
with system files in Linux.
I change all the dirs to 770, and I got this error on the next boot
that the dir /var/gdm needed to be at 750.
So I booted with the cd and changed them all back to 750....
Now I get the promt without an error, but when I try the gdm
command I get...
Cannot open /dev/null, System on crack!

:eyebrow: :crap: ?( :ashamed: :mope: :laugh2: :rofl4:

Well I figure one way to learn is to screw it up real good,
then try to fix it. (without totally reinstalling);)
yep, no lie, that's exactly what it said. :eek10:
I got past that, setting all the main dirs back to what I think
is default. I've just got to find, somewhere, what I need to set all
the sub dirs to. Mainly the subs for the etc dir I think.
I may be able to see what they are all set too on my web host, and
try to set mine back to them. :idea:
why did you change the file access permissions for the whole dir structure anyway?

You should be aware that some files need to be accessed by every user in the puter, and most of the times those users doesn't belong to the user group of the owner user.

Also, why having all files as executables for the owner?

ok, just re-read the post, maybe you just changed the dirs (and not the files in them), but still, is a bit dangerous to do that.
I'm learning man.;)
See if I screw it up, then figure out how to fix it,
when one of my customers calls with a similar problem, I'll
know how to fix it, and what to tell them.

I found out a long time ago that you can learn alot from
books, and some tutoring, and what not, but your get the
best teaching from hands-on experience, and learning
from mistakes. So, sometimes I create scenarios (problems) on purpose
to learn.
I sure learned a lot by having my very first computer be an utter piece of crap :headbang:

and system on crack! is still tooooooooooo funny :jump:
catacom said:
Well I figure one way to learn is to screw it up real good, then try to fix it.
It's my preferred method too. You learn something new every day, if you're lucky.
Leslie said:
and system on crack! is still tooooooooooo funny :jump:

Linux has some crazy messages programmed in. My boss told me of the early printing systems in Unix. I guess when there was an error talking to the printer (if, say, it wasn't plugged in), it would say "Error! Printer on Fire!" Might still be compiled in today too. I don't remember the last time I used a LPT port.

Dunno how to fix permissions apart from reinstalling. Permissions are there to keep things running and keep others from running.
don't know how much problems it'll give you this, but try setting /sbin to 000, and then try to fix it ;)

(or whichever dir that contains chmod) :D
exry since I did the first screwup, I've had to boot from cd just to
chmod anything, now. It kept saying I didn't have permission, even
as root, when booting from hd.
Well, I've setup another computer with all the same packages (basically),
and I'm in the process of cataloging the Default permissions for almost
all directories, and subdirectories, and quit a few files, into a txt file.
I'm not sure if I'll get it done tomorrow, or the next day, but if anyone
wants a copy, I can attach it here, or provide a d/l link from my server.
Mirlyn said:
Linux has some crazy messages programmed in. My boss told me of the early printing systems in Unix. I guess when there was an error talking to the printer (if, say, it wasn't plugged in), it would say "Error! Printer on Fire!" Might still be compiled in today too. I don't remember the last time I used a LPT port.

Dunno how to fix permissions apart from reinstalling. Permissions are there to keep things running and keep others from running.
I got that one once. I was like, "Huh? How did it know?"

Aunty Em said:
I'm glad to see that some program developers have a sense of humour! :lol:

Unlike Micro$oft who just through a bunch of memory addies at you :S
and delete things for no reason
and write unstable OSs for the hell of it
ad nauseum....

:rofl4: I get it! oh thats too funny! :rofl4: