Taking their job too far


molṑn labé
Staff member
Black & whites are now beat up & old with lights in the grill or beefed up Camaro's & Mustangs.. Instead of pacing they use radar. Driving while black is acrime...all these things have some vague semblence of logic. These, however, take the cake.

KISSIMMEE, Fla. - Homeless advocates are outraged by an operation where undercover police officers dressed as vagrants, observed drivers running red lights or committing other traffic violations, then radioed ahead to other officers who stopped those cars and wrote tickets.

"Operation Vagrant," a sting operation involving the Florida Highway Patrol, Kissimmee police and the Osceola County Sheriff's Office, nabbed 171 drivers — most of whom ran red lights, a violation that carries an $83 fine.


Fort Myers police recently manned a new battle station in their fight against crime: the drive-through window at McDonald’s.

Dressed as a McDonald’s employee, an undercover officer worked the drive-through window March 21 and April 25 and spotted enough wrongdoing inside customers’ cars to warrant six arrests and 29 citations.

But someone involved — it wasn’t really clear who on Friday — may end up with Egg McMuffin on his face because the owner of the restaurant at 3645 Cleveland Ave. was never told and neither was the fast-food chain’s corporate headquarters.

I have no problem with the first, but do have a problem with the second. You have a reasonable assumption of privacy in your car. Or at least you should.
PuterTutor said:
You have a reasonable assumption of privacy in your car.

The Supreme Court said, once you leave your house, you're fair game. There has to be a lmit though.
Gonz said:
PuterTutor said:
You have a reasonable assumption of privacy in your car.

The Supreme Court said, once you leave your house, you're fair game. There has to be a lmit though.

The Supreme Court also ruled phonetapping public payphones was an invasion of assumed privacy.
Revenue, all about revenue. How are they supposed to pay for those Camaros and Mustangs?
chcr said:
Revenue, all about revenue. How are they supposed to pay for those Camaros and Mustangs?
They have camaros, mustangs, impalas, crown vics, rams, durangos, astrovans, excursions, and explorers here. Most of the marked cars are the crown vics, but the rest are unmarked. Seen a LOT of those. You dont' know its unmarked unless you are right beside them. They even have resident plates, which used to be the only way to tell.:(
Mirlyn said:
They even have resident plates, which used to be the only way to tell.
I was always amazed by how long it took them to figure that out. :D
chcr said:
I was always amazed by how long it took them to figure that out.

I'm saddened they did figure it out. Makes 85 in a 55 much harder :D
seeing how the public are allowed to make use of semi-legal stuff like radar detectors i figure the police can use some underhand tactics too.
theres the other one i see a lot of - stuff to make your number plate unreadable by cameras. some paint, or glue, or something. some people will believe anything the sales pitch says :D
I can't help but get the feeling that the new theory to law enforcement is to 'criminalize' everyone. The last 5 times I've been stopped in my car it was for 'crossing over the line'. I know for a fact that I never did in any of the instances. Its just the excuse they use to try to find someone doing something wrong....It really sux.
Drivers under 25 here can count on being stopped at least once a week...probably more. They use any excuse they can to stop young people just for the possibility of finding drugs. Its like its the only thing they get promotions for or something. :retard: But it seems everytime they're called to a domestic disturbance or something they say "theres nothing we can do". WTF? :confuse3:
Squiggy said:
I hope Jersey is the worst of it.
MitchSchaft said:
I bet it's in Illinois and Kalifornia as well.

Can anybody say...

Jersey is awful. Cal hates trucks. Ill hates mexicans & blacks. Mo hates trucks too. that other state hates everybody.