Talk Like a Pirate Day!


New Member
Tuesday September 19th 2006 is Talk Like a Pirate Day! Talk Like a Pirate Day only comes once a year (on September 19th), this year it falls on a Tuesday. If you’re not ready yet, you can learn more about this international holiday on the About TLAPD page or practice some phrases from the PiratePhrases page. After all, you don’t want to be handed the BlackSpot when the holiday is over!p

yarrrr tis too bad K62 is out on the high seas he be a true pirate at 'eart
Willie Stargell
Dave Parker
Omar Mareno

I don't want to talk like 'em but I'd be happy to hit like 'em.
she be 'avin' six breasts lads! ... and she be downin' de rum likes there be no tommoras .... to the ship ye scum tossin' weasals!!!
What do you call a pirate's weapons stash? His arrrrr-senal!
Why do pirates' pictures always look wrong when they're printed in the paper? Because in Photoshop, instead of saving them as CMYK, they save them as arrrrr-GB.