Talking dog


Well-Known Member
A man is looking through the Free Ads section of the newspaper (3 days, 3 lines, under $100) and he sees an ad for a talking dog for $10. Intrigued by the price, he calls the number and sets up an appointment to see the talking dog.

So the guy goes over and meets the talking dog and asks him his story.

"Well," the dog says, "I noticed I could talk at an early age, so my owner took me to the local FBI office. From there, the word got around and the FBI and CIA used me as the ultimate spy. After all, who would ever think of a talking dog? So I gathered all sorts of secrets and was the CIA's most valuable spy for a good eight years before all that flying started to wear on me. So then I left that for a job in the private sector, inspecting luggage and spying on suspicious characters at large airports. After doing that for a few years, I decided to retire, so now I've been hanging around here watching the Weather Channel."

So the guy, impressed by the dog's story, goes in the other room and asks the owner why he only wants $10 for the dog.

The owner's answer: "He's a liar."
So a newsman was driving around on a slow day, looking for a story, he drives past a farm, and sees the farmer feeding a 3 legged pig, he needs a story so decides to stop. He asks the farmer abou the pig, farmer says "this here pig is a hero" the reporter asks him to continue.

Farmer says "well one week my grandchild was playing in the road and the pig came out and pulled him away from an oncoming truck"

"Is that how he lost that leg?"

"nope" says the farmer

"so what happened" says the reporter

"well" says the farmer "about a month after that my wife fell down a well, and the pig jumped in and let her hold on while he treaded water till we found em"

"Is that how the pig lost his leg?" asks the reporter

"nope" says the farmer "but a month after that there was a fire inthe house the pig broke down the door and dragged us all to safety"

"is that when the pig lost the leg" asks the reporter once again"

"nope" says the farmer

the reporter trying to find the end of this story asks "then how did the pig lose the leg"

farmer says "well, pig this special, you don't eat all at once"
paul_valaru said:
So a newsman was driving around on a slow day, looking for a story, he drives past a farm, and sees the farmer feeding a 3 legged pig, he needs a story so decides to stop. He asks the farmer abou the pig, farmer says "this here pig is a hero" the reporter asks him to continue.

Farmer says "well one week my grandchild was playing in the road and the pig came out and pulled him away from an oncoming truck"

"Is that how he lost that leg?"

"nope" says the farmer

"so what happened" says the reporter

"well" says the farmer "about a month after that my wife fell down a well, and the pig jumped in and let her hold on while he treaded water till we found em"

"Is that how the pig lost his leg?" asks the reporter

"nope" says the farmer "but a month after that there was a fire inthe house the pig broke down the door and dragged us all to safety"

"is that when the pig lost the leg" asks the reporter once again"

"nope" says the farmer

the reporter trying to find the end of this story asks "then how did the pig loose the leg"

farmer says "well, pig this special, you don't eat all at once"

LOSE, not loose