Tariq Aziz is now Terry Adams


molṑn labé
Staff member
By DAVID WOODING Whitehall Editor

SADDAM Hussein’s key aide Tariq Aziz is set to live like a king in Britain — at one of Prince Charles’s mansions.

Security chiefs want to give the brute a royal hideaway in return for spilling the beans on the whereabouts of Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction, The Sun can reveal.

They reckon one of the remote homes on the prince’s sprawling estates could be perfect for keeping Aziz tucked away.

But the idea will sicken British taxpayers left to foot the bill for his life of luxury here.

It would also mean giving in to his demands for complete immunity from prosecution.



So lets give him a little villa in the mountains of Montana. After he gives up his info, then we might just leak the location of said villa to the militia groups. Problem solved.
The Sun, LOL.

If it came from The Daily Sport it might be a little more believable. :p
PuterTutor said:
So lets give him a little villa in the mountains of Montana. After he gives up his info, then we might just leak the location of said villa to the militia groups. Problem solved.
My thought exactly! Great minds think alike. :D