Teachers hot for students


molṑn labé
Staff member
There have been plenty of these threads recently. Men going to jail. Women going to less jail. Now, we have homosexuals doing no jail.

A former high school teacher who pleaded guilty to the homosexual rape of one of his teenage students will avoid jail time.

Gregory Pathiakis, 26, of Brockton, Mass., pleaded guilty yesterday to one count of rape of a child, enticement of a child under 16, five counts of possession of child pornography and one count of distribution of harmful material to a child, according to the Enterprise newspaper of Brockton, Mass.

According to the Janesville Gazette, Rock County Judge Alan Bates sentenced Gary Hoff to three years probation after he pleaded no contest to one count each of disorderly conduct and misdemeanor fourth-degree sexual assault of a 16-year-old boy, who now is 17.

a public school teacher convicted of raping a same-sex student has been sentenced to no jail time – this time it's a lesbian coach in Florida who had relations with a 15-year-old.
WND...this link includes a list of the heterosexual wimmins raping children.

What the hell is going on with our teachers AND our courts?
I have read the quotes and the stories and find no evidence of homosexuality.

[lawyer talk]Homosexuality can only exist between constenting adults. A sex act with a child is a legal rape and therefore nonconsentual. It fails the first test. A rape is not an act of sex, but and act of violence... therefore the sex of the victim is unimportant as it could be anyone. It fails the second test. Child pornography is a severe psychological deficiency based under exploitation, control, and abuse... therefore it cannot be a homosexual act. After all, all of the studies of the last umpteen years declare that homosexuality is not a deviance, but simply natural. Therefore, my client cannot be a homosexual. I demand his immediate release and a book deal.[/lawyer talk]