Teachers on Strike


Staff member
Not yet, but it's coming. Starting Friday, they're beginning a work to rule campaign in my county. No staff meetings whatsoever, no field trips, extracurriculars, and stopping admin duties.

this one kills me - no filling out report cards - you know, their jobs. :tardbang:

If this doesn't get them what they want, along with the telling the children and anyone else who'll listen that it's all the fault of the evil government, then it'll be a fullout strike, at whim at any given moment.

*sigh* They shouldn't be allowed to do it. It's little kids.
It's a scale, based on years experience + education. My sister is a first year teacher. Getting paid more than my dad did when he retired as a mid-high management banker 3 years ago.

They aren't quibbling about money. It's having to work in-class for less time in a day. They're wanting more prep time. And that's what the strike is about.
If wishes were horses...

Have you talked to your sis at all about it? How much time a day are the classes themselves and how much prep time are they trying to claim?
She thinks it's ridiculous, but she'll take it if they're handing it out.

They're looking for 200 minutes prep time a week, up from about 150.

I'll look out for a breakdown.

Seems to me that if they actually stayed till 4:30 they already have more than the 200 minutes. Some do, most don't where my kids go. But this is more of a demand for less teaching in class time.
Aand how many "Professional Developement " days do they get a year,seems around here that schools out like twice a mnth for PD days :rolleyes: Whatever happened to teachers ,teaching because they liked kids and not for the money it provided.BOP its fine for them trying to make a living ,but everything they demand seems to hurt the kids IMO.
Bust the union
fire them all.
Hire em' back at half the pay with NO benefits.
BeardofPants said:
If they ain't being paid a decent wage, then how can they expect to provide for their own families? :shrug:

How much are they paid, today?
where at? when I was in grade school through high school it was based around how long you were in the system as a teacher and how well you did. Though they always made a bit less than they probably should have they made enough to be able to live in Montgomery County and support their families