Techie talk for the rest of us

Air duster is quite useful for cleaning more robust items, but can also be usefully employed in computer destruction, where it is more than capable of blowing chips out of sockets, spinning fans to prodigious speeds and destroying their tiny brushless motor assemblies, and, of course, redistributing dust from relatively accessible locations to far more exciting ones, like deep inside expansion card connectors and CD-ROM drives.

If a flash BIOS is "flashed" with the wrong data - preferably a BIOS for a completely different motherboard, or, if the flashing software will accept it, even some randomly selected file; an MP3 of William Shatner's "Mr Tambourine Man" is ideal - the motherboard will, upon restarting, utterly fail to do anything useful until its BIOS chip is physically removed and re-burned with correct data. Interrupting the flashing procedure will produce the same results.
Truly adept users can also hook a DIP chip extractor under the socket, not the chip, and bodily rip it from its soldered-in location. This can lift tracks from the board and render it practically irreparable, if done with sufficient gusto.

*sigh* the good old days.