Teenage Wasteland


Well-Known Member
Found this on Neowin. So good!
Yesterday, 14:51 by shanepitman
This message is being brought to you by the parents of teenagers everywhere.

First of all, and a big shocker here, you in your 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 or 19 years of life have not experienced a fraction of what life in the real world is like. You think you have it so rough, you think life is so bad, Guess what, life isn't like "The O.C." or the bull**** that you watch non-stop on MTV. That's fantasy, unless you happen to be rich and famous which, reality check, you aren't. You're an immature spoiled brat kid who doesn't appreciate anything GIVEN to you. That's right, I said GIVEN because you sure as hell haven't EARNED it. What, you think going to school, maintaining your grades and keeping your room from looking like a garbage dump entitles you to something?

You're right, it does. Going to school and making good grades entitles you to a life lived outside of the dumpsters and homeless shelters. It entitles you to get a decent job so that you can make a living doing something other than turning tricks or selling crack. Keeping your room clean entitles you to live in MY house without MY foot in your ass. I paid for it, furnished it, paid for every stitch of clothing you own, the least you can do is keep it clean. You think I'm too tough? You think my rules suck? You want to run away? Where will you go, to be somebody else’s charity case? You think anyone is going to let you live with them for free without imposing rules? Oh so you'll get a job and live on your own? Where will you get a job? Flipping burgers at a fast food restaurant? Think they'll hire you without a high school education? Why should they? You think there aren't 50 other applicants for that same job and do you think all of them are high school drop outs like you? Which would you hire if you were the employer, a loser who couldn't even finish high school or high school graduate?

Oh, so you'll stay in school? Ok, well, how will you work? At night? When will you do your homework, study, work on projects? After work? Oh so when you get off at 10 or 11 at night you'll rush home to work on school work until 1 or 2 in the morning? Then you'll get 3 or 4 hours of sleep and go to school? How long do you think you can keep it up, going to school on 4 hours of sleep then going to work for 8 hours, then coming home to do school work and get another 3 or 4 hours of sleep? We haven't even factored in time to eat, shower, and do anything other than school, work, and sleep. Like the sound of that? Well get used to it because that'll be your life, and won't it be fun compared to the hard life you live with mommy and daddy?

Let’s review your day today for example. You got up at 6am, got ready for school which included an hour of primp & priss just so you'd be "perfect" (yea right) then you ate breakfast, and then I drove you to school and let you out at the front door. You went to classes while I went to work. Once I got off work I drove back to the school and picked you up, again at the front door. I drove you home where you ran immediately to your room and flipped on the TV that I provided and got on the phone with your friends where you stayed until time for dinner. Then you came to the table and ate as quickly as you could so that you could dump your dirty dishes in the sink and run back to your room and get on the phone again where you stayed until your mother told you to get off at 9pm. Supposedly you got your homework done during all that time hidden away in your room.

That’s your typical day, but then there are the days when you want something. Of course we can always tell when you want something by the way you act nice and sweet all of a sudden. You’ll come sit in the living room with us and talk to us or hang all over us and we know without a doubt that we’re getting ready to be hit up for something that requires our assistance in. Either you want us to buy something for you, take you somewhere, let one of your friends come over (which of course requires one of us to go pick them up and then take them home or (and this is what you’re hoping for) give up and agree to let them spend the night), or something else that forces you to interact (read kiss ass) with us. Do you think we’re blind? Do you honestly think we’re THAT stupid?

So let’s get back on track with planning your great escape from the tyrannical rule of your parents and entering the world of self sufficiency. Where do you plan to live? We’ve already established that you can’t live with one of your friends since you’ll have to abide by their parents rules, and isn’t what this is all about, you wanting to live life without rules? So you’re working, dead to the world tired from your hectic schedule, trying to keep up in school, doing homework, barely sleeping, but you’re working and making money. Well alright, getting paid at last! But wait, what’s this? You worked 36 hours (for minimum wage which is $5.15 an hour in NC) and made $185.40 but you only got a check for $129.78? Welcome to the wonderful world of taxes.

Now, you’ve got less than $130.00 in your pocket. You need a place to live, transportation to and from home, school, and work, utilities (water, electricity, etc), groceries (food, toiletries, etc), clothes, a way to clean your clothes (Laundromat? Like you’ve got time for that witch school, work, and homework) as a minimum. Now you’ve got all of those expenses PLUS the expenses that go along with them like insurance and gas for your car (can’t drive legally without it). You’re going to do all of this on less than $520.00 a month? Oh, you’ll get a roommate who will also work, ok, well, that changes things.

Now you’ll have to have a bigger place to live (more expensive) you’ll use twice the utilities and consume twice the groceries, you’ll either each have to have a car or rely on one of you dropping off and picking up the other one, either of which will be more expensive, so you really aren’t gaining anything other than someone to cry with when you finally realize what a fool you’ve been and that you really did have it made when you were at home where dear old foolish mom and dad took care of you.

You think we’re stupid; we’re fools, morons, just because we attempt to talk to you, to interact with you. Because we butt in and ask questions we’re “invading your space”. Well boo-freaking-hoo, life is so bad now isn’t it. If you were us, putting up with your sorry attitude all the while footing the bill for everything including impulsive little whims like clothes shopping when you really don’t *need* new clothes, you just want them, how would you feel? You think it’s fair that you shut us out of your life after everything that we do for you, when all that we ask in return is that you keep your grades up (again, for your future benefit, not ours) keep your room clean and help keep our house clean (do you really like having your friends over when the house looks like a garbage dump?) and spend a little time with us every now and then (aside from the time when you’re ass kissing in order to hit us up for something)? You talk about pressure, how stressful it is to be a teenager. You’re so worried about what everyone around you thinks of you, your image, whether you’re popular or not. Here’s some very real world advice. Screw what everyone else thinks. Chances are that after high school you’ll seldom if ever interact with those people again aside from a meeting in passing somewhere. I can assure you that 5 or 10 years after school you won’t remember 3/4 of them and you really won’t give a damn. You’ll look back and wonder why you ever cared what those morons thought and realize that I was right.

So, the lecture is over, it’s time to evaluate how you feel and whether or not you gained anything out of this talk or whether you’re just going to huff up and be mad and let it go in one ear and out the other, passing it off as just another ass chewing.
It's strange how when you live below poverty level, the kids get these lessons
way before teen-age.

IMO, lead by example, and explain along the way, and it doesn't come down
all of the sudden one day.

*remembers when HL quit smoking, and why* Kudos.
ash r said:
i'm glad i didn't really go through that phase.

Neither did I. I got my first job at 14 to earn my keep. Ever since I bought my car I've been paying insurance on it, and I wouldn't have it any other way. Right now I'm saving up for a paint job.
Winky said:
So you’re working, dead to the world tired from your hectic schedule, trying to keep up in school, doing homework, barely sleeping, but you’re working and making money. Well alright, getting paid at last! But wait, what’s this? You worked 36 hours (for minimum wage which is $5.15 an hour in NC) and made $185.40 but you only got a check for $129.78? Welcome to the wonderful world of taxes.
They could get a job at a strip club and make a few hundred a day part time....pretty much tax free I think.
Not until they turn 18... at least if they want to avoid even more risk than would otherwise be inherent in the job.
Yeah, I meant the 18/19 yr olds. Younger than that it's hard to move out of your parents house...not unheard of though I guess.
My Kid moved out the week he turned 18
into a U of A dorm room (honors dorm)
where they pay HIM to be.
(academic scholarship)

Now he's got a part time job making 16 bucks an hour
teachin' HS juniors to up their SAT scores for Princeton Review

Yeah being a genius has it's perks I guess

Funny my kid never behaved like the ungrateful biotch in the post

a course I stopped feedin’ him when he was 15

Hunger is a magical motivator!