Teenagers are retarded.


Kissy Goddess
My 14 yr old was invited to one of his good buddies birthday sleepover. Of the 5 boys, there is only one loose cannon - Brandon. The rest have been over here before and I think they are basically good kids.

So, Alex didn't show up until about 3 hours after the party started because he wanted to make an appearance at his cousins birthday dinner first. As soon as he shows up at his friends, they all jump out and yell, "Seizure, seizure!!"
Way to make him feel good. (he had 2 seizures last Christmas, one in front of one of his friends)

THEN, he fell asleep before his friends did - at 3:30 in the morning, so they decided to pour dishsoap in his mouth! He woke up spitting out soap and bubbles.

He called me 20 mins or so later and I went to pick him up. His friends called him a *pussy*.

I'm PISSED. But really, what can I do? I mean - if I take action, he'll be ostracized.

Teenagers can be so friggin' retarded.
You have ever right to be pissed, Spirit .. dishsoap can be toxic.

I'm all for "boys will be boys" but that was carrying it a little too far. Talk to the parents at least and talk to him about what do to and why ...
I don't know, Na. Sometimes a quick jab in the mouth can stop quite a bit of bad behavior.
He called them from my cell phone and told them he was just out of the hospital. He said he had a toxic reaction to soap and had to have a charcoal treatment at the hospital. :D They are all scared to death now... I say "GOOD FOR YOU ALEX!!" He turned the joke around on them. :D
oohh .. good job, Spirit and Alex!!!!

Gonz .. yeah, I know .. sometimes I forget that I'm not that level headed .. what was I thinking? I mean, I'm the one that ran over my ex husband for making our kids cry on Christmas Eve LOL*

*disclaimer for those who don't know the story*
yes, I ran him over but my jeep is high and he didn't get hurt. LOL
nalani said:
*disclaimer for those who don't know the story*
yes, I ran him over but my jeep is high and he didn't get hurt. LOL

Na's "X" Hubby got ran over by a jeep.....walking home one christmas eve. :lol2: reminds me of grandma got run over by a raindeer! :lol2:
The only problem my (18) Alex has is
turning down gurls @ college for sex (25).
(he was on a date with two tonight, one at a time isn't enough?)
Being that he had a Dad (me) I prudy much taught him how to deal with guys before he was outta grade school.

Now wimen's ? I've been @ that for years
and as we (boi's) know, that's a lifelong study
that you never graduate from...
Winky said:
Now wimen's ? I've been @ that for years
and as we (boi's) know, that's a lifelong study
that you never graduate from...

God knows that's the truth. Your only hope is to find someone who understands that she's keeping you in remedial classes in this area and is willing to make allowances.
After years of careful research, I have come to the conclusion that -

A) Only about 95% of teenagers are retarded, a few of them have measurable brain activity.

B) 95% of everyone else is retarded too.