Terry lives


molṑn labé
Staff member
Oh, isn't it wonderful. Just as the MJ trial should be winding down, More Terry, All the time. :drink:

CBS is rushing a Terri Schiavo TV movie into production so that it can air the biopic during the May ratings sweeps.

There is no word on whether the network has secured the cooperation of either the Schindler family, Terri's parents and siblings, or Michael Schiavo, her estranged husband.

There are reports Michael Schiavo is entertaining offers of book, movie and TV deals for Terri's story. Industry sources say Schiavo is likely to be offered up to $2 million for a book deal and up to $2 million for a movie or TV deal.
Gonz said:
Oh, isn't it wonderful. Just as the MJ trial should be winding down, More Terry, All the time. :drink:


wow. just wow. I think we all saw it coming but still. THat doesnt mean it should be done. hasnt the family been through enough already?

freako104 said:
wow. just wow. I think we all saw it coming but still. THat doesnt mean it should be done. hasnt the family been through enough already?


C'mon Freak, this is America. There's profit to be made, pandering to the prurient to be done and plenty more litigation before we get to the end of Terry.
I saw a documentary on her about 2 days ago. :alienhuh:

I wonder which way they are going to slant this, or if they are
going to leave so open that there's not going to be an end.... :confused:
chcr said:
C'mon Freak, this is America. There's profit to be made, pandering to the prurient to be done and plenty more litigation before we get to the end of Terry.

Sorry Chic but I am for letting her rest in peace. but I hate to admit your right. this will be messy. and money is involved as it usually is.
freako104 said:
Sorry Chic but I am for letting her rest in peace. but I hate to admit your right. this will be messy. and money is involved as it usually is.

Don't get me wrong freak, I'm all for it too. I've been all for it all along. I just recognize that in the world in which we live it was never going to ahppen that way. Fortunately, she doesn't care.
SHE might not. but what about the survivors such as her parents and maybe even Michael? I do understand where you are coming from. Hence I agreed you are right. I just wish for more from humanity.
what about the survivors such as her parents and maybe even Michael

Oh, you mean the people who dragged it through the courts and the press in the first place. Couldn't care less about any of 'em.
I understand their efforts to keep her alive. But if they're so religious they should know know death it's not the end. They did all they could, period. It's over now. She's fine. Let divine justice operate from now on. Life must go on...
chcr said:
Oh, you mean the people who dragged it through the courts and the press in the first place. Couldn't care less about any of 'em.

yea. them. While they did something they shouldnt have done, I think they all cared about her.