Thanks eco-terrorists


molṑn labé
Staff member
Would you like some ethanol to go along with your meal? In fact, would you like some ethanol for your meal? It's all we have left. Another fine example of government fixes making the problem much worse (see unintended consequences, chapter 39)

Major retailers in New York, in areas of New England, and on the West Coast are limiting purchases of flour, rice, and cooking oil as demand outstrips supply. There are also anecdotal reports that some consumers are hoarding grain stocks.

Source (hope it's not linked to the klan)
And not one mention of eco-terrorists or ethanol in the entire article. :rofl3:

Somebody has their own agenda. :laugh:
exactly. add to what?

besides, who's to say whether
a) "the sky is falling," or,
b) "this is silly alarmism"

is a an opinion of more value.

oh, yeah, your opinion. right.

Top retailer Wal-Mart's Sam's Club unit said Wednesday it is limiting the amount of rice individual shoppers could buy at one time, as rice prices hit new records around the world.
Sam's Club said it had temporarily placed limits of four 20-pound (nine-kilogram) bags a person for jasmine, basmati, and other long-grain white rice types.

"We currently have plenty of rice for Sam's Club Members," the company said in a statement.

"However, like our competitors, we're just taking the precautionary step of limiting sales of the very large 20 pound bags" of imported white rice, it said.

Sam's Club, a members-only bulk retailer chain owned by Wal-Mart, the world's largest retailer, said smaller-sized bags of rice were not affected by the restrictions; nor did they extend to Wal-Mart stores.

"This temporary cap is intended to ensure there is plenty of rice for all our members. No other items are affected."

This week, Costco said it had seen sales of flour, rice and some cooking oils leap. Some Costco stores already have held customers to just two bags of rice a day, but the chain doesn't plan to limit sales nationwide.

By midafternoon Wednesday, the Costco in Alhambra -- which had not placed limits on purchases -- said it had run out of rice.

silly alarmism
New Delhi, Oct. 10 - India's ban with immediate effect on exports of non-basmati rice may push up global prices as shipments of around 1.0 million metric tons have slipped into uncertainity, industry officials said Tuesday........"Global prices may go up around 10% because India is one of the few big players in the global rice market," said Prem Garg, Managing Director, Shivnath Rai Harnarain India - the country's largest non-basmati rice exporter by volume.

sure its the eco-terrorists?

fortunately, gonz, humans are capable of eating a diverse and fabulous diet.

let them eat cake.

oh, yeah...
"four 20-pound (nine-kilogram) bags a person" who the fuck can eat that much rice?
"said smaller-sized bags of rice were not affected" hmmmmm......
Imports are buying & shipping it back home. There is no shortage in the USA-yet. Cooking oils & flour, on the other hand....

Yes Dave...this can be traced back to the rise in corn prices & the fewer non-corn acreage. Is it exclusive? Nah, but it sure is a huge contributor.
fortunately, gonz, humans are capable of eating a diverse and fabulous diet.

let them eat cake.

oh, yeah...
"four 20-pound (nine-kilogram) bags a person" who the fuck can eat that much rice?
"said smaller-sized bags of rice were not affected" hmmmmm......

umm.. here in Hawai'i rice is a staple - it's like our 'potatoes', it goes with everything. It used to cost about $5 for a 20 pound bag which can last a normal family anywhere from 2 weeks to over a month. It is now $11 for a 20 pound bag and though it's not limited just yet (basmati is though, not california calrose) for retail customers, it's limited for wholesale buyers. It's not unheard of on a normal basis for people to buy 2 and 3 bags of rice at a time so yeah, we're looking out for the time when they limit it here .. and the 'prepared hoarders' are themselves making the supply diminish.

I totally agree with Gonz on the whole govt messing things up even when they had the best intentions - at least I think that was Gonz, I should scroll back up just in case LOL ... ethanol really messed up here in Hawai'i and I'm sure across the nation ... milk is up to $8 a gallon and they're asking for a 20% hike this week. Our produce is literally too expensive to buy anymore. Don't get me wrong, I do think we need to find a way to be less dependent on foreign oil but don't you think there was at least one seriously educated person on that whole 'ethanol' committee that could have foreseen the effect it was going to have on the entire world?
I do think we need to find a way to be less dependent on foreign oil but don't you think there was at least one seriously educated person on that whole 'ethanol' committee that could have foreseen the effect it was going to have on the entire world?

We have plenty of our own oil but it's too hard to get past the eco-terrorists to get.

There were plenty who saw the ill effects. Nobody listened because AlBore made it dangerous to question CONSENSUS. (remember when a consensus of scientists thought that space travel was impossible?)

Who cares what the real afects are as long as it looks like we're doing something progressive.
We have plenty of our own oil but it's too hard to get past the eco-terrorists to get.

so then these eco-terrorists seem to be giving the illuminati a run for their money. seems like they control both sides of the aisle. well, guess you gotta blame someone, eh?

a six dollar increase in the price of a bag of rice that will last a family from 2 weeks to a month? holy shit. i can't even imagine food as cheap as the price you are complaining about. is rice subsidized there or something???

maybe all of this is more of a correction to food prices that have been artficially low for years through various government crop supports.

in a way it's kinda funny. now americans are perhaps, just maybe, starting to get a taste of the ugly extremities of free market commodity pricing. welcome to juan valdez's shoes. hope it's fun. if you don't like it, you can always ask momma government to lend a hand.,2933,352556,00.html

U.N. Secretary-General Calls Rising Food Prices 'Global Crisis'
Friday, April 25, 2008

VIENNA, Austria — A sharp rise in food prices has developed into a global crisis, U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said Friday.

Ban said the U.N and all members of the international community are very concerned, and immediate action is needed.

He spoke to reporters at U.N. offices in Austria, where he was meeting with the nation's top leaders for talks on how the United Nations and European Union can forge closer ties.

"This steeply rising price of food — it has developed into a real global crisis," Ban said, adding that the World Food Program has made an urgent appeal for additional $755 million.

"The United Nations is very much concerned, as all other members of the international community," Ban said. "We must take immediate action in a concerted way all throughout the international community."

Ban urged leaders of the international community to sit down together on an "urgent basis" to discuss how to improve economic distribution systems and the production of agricultural products.
so then these eco-terrorists

a six dollar increase in the price of a bag of rice that will last a family from 2 weeks to a month? holy shit. i can't even imagine food as cheap as the price you are complaining about. is rice subsidized there or something???

Wow, guess it wouldn't be the REAL WORLD if someone's words weren't distorted, huh? I never said I was complaining .. I was giving information... there is a distinct difference if you care to look. "Families" here can range from 4 people to 12 in a household. Not saying families that large only happen here, just saying it's more commonplace here because of the dynamics of the polynesian family system so rice can last a small family a lot longer and others not so long. But that's a side dish thing. Beef here is running at around $4/lb, I think, for 80/20. Chicken, frozen, used to be $5 for a 5lb box. It's now $9 on sale. Bonesless skinless thighs are $11 for 4lbs. I can spend $200 a week with just me and my two kids, easy. No, rice is not subsidized and as I said, it's a side dish for basically every meal. Everything here costs more than it does on the mainland because we have the extra cost of shipping so in general, all our prices are going up on everything from qtips ($7 for a box of 350) to gasoline ($4.20 a gallon now in various places depending on how far it has to be trucked in). Geez, even our very own Kona Coffee which is way cheaper here than it is on the mainland went up 100% because of the major floods followed by the major droughts.
considering the tone of the thread, that you are quoting gonz and mentioning something about the gubmint "messing up," "complaining" is not an unreasonable interpretation.

in any case, food should cost more than it does if we're (that is, americans in general) to live up to our own free market rhetoric.