Thanks, OTC!!


Kissy Goddess
I thought a lot about this thread.

Although I don't agree with some of what was said, I have taken little tid bits from most of the posts from that thread and have improved on my methods of handling things here at home related to that topic.

In saying that, I wanted to say that I actually learn quite a bit about many other topics while perusing this forum. Some people are openly more harsh than others, but I respect the content more than the delivery, and it helps if you have some understanding of the person posting.;)

I'm a softy - I just am. That's me. I only get heated up about things to do with kids and treatment of others - otherwise, I'm an observer. I read, I contemplate and my typical response isn't in any great depth.

So anyways - no idea what I am trying to say.. lol.. other than this place is really awesome.

Wanna watch it grow? Let's ask for an opinion on some silly yet titallating topic.....I seem to remember the pubic hair thread going for pages and pages...
Wanna watch it grow? Let's ask for an opinion on some silly yet titallating topic.....I seem to remember the pubic hair thread going for pages and pages...

how did it go again? Frito or Dorito? I'm one for a flesh taco myself. 'Specially after a first shave ... while it's still hyper sensitive. oops ... shouldn't be giving away trade secrets now, should I?
I'm a believer in NLP.
Whenever the kids here say "I sorry", I say "don't be sorry, be careful". (if it's like an accident type thing)
Now lying OTOH is a different story......
I'm very careful about accusing anyone of lying. If there is absolutely no doubt
that it's a lye, it is dealt with here as a VERY harsh offense.

IMO, there are times when the kids self-esteem needs a "little off the top",
but I see, all the time, what 'destroying' a kids self esteem does to them. (now, and later in life)
Not good.
I also see that a person that lies a lot, brings down their own esteem.

To me, the main thing is to 'choose your words carefully', and that's what
I try to convey when talking to the kids. (right before busting their butts):D
(the older the kid becomes, the more 'I' move from spanking, to other punishments, like 'time-out)

Making choices about how to raise kids sometimes IS very difficult, if you
really care about what kind of person they will be later in life.
On that note, to me, teaching is a 24/7 job, as much as it can be, and I do
my best to lead by example.