

molṑn labé
Staff member
Our esteemed publick edducashion sistim has given me yet another reason to continue homeschooling. 40 years ago we were going to the moon. Today, the cash registers have picures of hamburgers & french fries. :rolleyes:

Graduating high school seniors who took the ACT college entrance exam this year were woefully unprepared for college-level work, according to test results released Tuesday.

Only 21 percent of the students were prepared for college-level work in the four tested areas of English composition, algebra, social sciences, and biology.

US News
Not surprising, Gonz. My last 5 years were not spent educating students --- they were spent preparing students to pass the state-mandated test of basic skills.

Pissed me off --- so I retired.
Just think. If they allowed you to teach, the kids would've passed the test.
21%, eh?

That's sad.

But I do have one question. Where and/or when did we get the idea that everyone is cut out for college? College used to be for the smart kids; now it's dumbed down so much that most anybody could get through in one discipline or another.

Don't get me wrong, I think everyone who can do the work should go. But we shouldn't make college the equivelent of what 7th grade was 20 years ago just so we can get more people in.
I don't think the non-continuing-education types took the test

Almost 60 percent of the students who sat for the exam were inadequately prepared

and even if they did...our high school seniors should be minimully prepared to go to a public university. It ain't that hard.
Gonz said:
I don't think the non-continuing-education types took the test

and even if they did...our high school seniors should be minimully prepared to go to a public university. It ain't that hard.

Don't you mean Community College? ;)
By todays standards, yea, probably, but I wrote University on purpose. The modern ones are equal to community colleges of yesteryear.
see, if you move highschools just right you can get a proper enough education... going from kansas to colorado I had already completed all my requirements at the end of my junior year except for one math class and 15 credits of P.E...... idiots