that's something you want to hear from elementary kids


New Member
today is the last day for a local elementary school, so naturally, all the kids whose parents work here are in the office.

4 of them are sitting about 10 feet away from me, talking amongst themselves. 3 of 'em are in 5th grade, the other being in 3rd grade.

right now they're bragging that they've all had beer before, and how they like it. one mentions that her older cousin (who happens to be my underage sister) will drink beer, just not the ones in green bottles.

(okay, now they're reciting "miss little piggy went to the market ...". *phew* there are still some innocence left in them)

god damn! elementary kids bragging about drinking isn't something you wanna hear.
Just count their blessings that they're not asking what they did after they got drunk last night because they don't remember.
at least i waited until high school to be an underage lush.
damn, if they're starting in elementary these days, i'm gonna have to lock my kids up until they graduate.
i'm gonna take a shot here and say that the 5th grader who was talking about the older cousin (Ku'u's lushy younger sister) was my daughter ... at least she didn't try beer yet .. "yet" being the operative word there .. she's gonna be my hell .. the payback for all the crap I did from 12 to 18 ...