The £114k fat squad


Well-Known Member

Published: Today

A FAMILY of fatties is so obese a council is to fork out £114,000 on minders in a last-ditch bid to stop them over-eating.

Dundee City Council put the overweight family-of-eight out to tender after repeated attempts to get them to exercise failed.

Now the city's Families Project - which uses tough tactics to turn troublemakers into better citizens - will tackle their out-of-control guzzling.

They will move the family - who cannot been named for legal reasons - into temporary homes, where three full-time staff will monitor their meals and force them to get fit.

The 23st mum and 18st dad have been told that if they blow this last chance their six obese kids will go into care.

The father, 53, who has a heart problem, and the mum, 40, of Dundee, last year pleaded with the council for help to care for their children.

But social workers were left shocked at the size of them.

The youngest, a 21-month old boy, was a massive 1st 12lbs, while others included a 16st 12-year-old boy and a 4st girl of three.

The council had previously ordered the parents to take the 12-year-old and three-year-old to football and dancing lessons. But the get-fit bid failed.

A council source said: "The family was a massive drain on resources. A decision was taken to put them out to tender to contain the spending necessary to get them sorted out."

The Dundee Families Project's deputy manager John Wallace said: "It's not easy working with us.

"We don't give up easily, as the consequences for the children, should we withdraw, will not be positive."

But Susie Squire of the Taxpayers' Alliance said: "This case shows excessive and incredibly expensive nannying.

"When there's not someone around stopping them from going to the fridge they'll just tuck in again."

Talks to finalise the massive weight-loss operation are scheduled for this week.

A council spokesman refused to comment.


Your tax payers pounds hard at work ... brilliant.
Why is it the government's responsibility to force people to be healthy? I'm all for making education and information available, but spending this exorbitant sum of money to force these people who obviously have no interest in becoming healthier is just absurd. If the child's well-being is in serious danger, then put them in foster care until the parents can get their shit together. It's not the government's responsibility to care for those who don't care about themselves.
Why is it the government's responsibility to force people to be healthy? ... It's not the government's responsibility to care for those who don't care about themselves.

The longer you live the more taxes you pay. In politics, always follow the money.
Why is it the government's responsibility to force people to be healthy? I'm all for making education and information available, but spending this exorbitant sum of money to force these people who obviously have no interest in becoming healthier is just absurd. If the child's well-being is in serious danger, then put them in foster care until the parents can get their shit together. It's not the government's responsibility to care for those who don't care about themselves.

Because they have NHS (national health service) and get free medical care for all their fat-related medical concerns. In Britain, that includes a vehicle to transport the 'handicapped'. That includes the insulin and nitro. That includes the walking stick and little electric carts.

Coming to a neighbourhood near you.
private plans balance premiums against risk. High risk, high premium, high incentive to reduce that risk ... or suffer the consequences.
Imagine if any of those fat related concerns were covered by US insurance plans ever.

yeah, but isn't great to piss and moan about what is going on somewhere else? golly i'm feeling so left out of the systematic oppression, i think maybe i'll move to london just so i can really feel the cruel mechanical wheels grinding my skull!!! oh the drama!!!

I pay $35. week to cover me, my wife & my son.

If everyone pays $35./wk, shouldn't the government go find something important to do (like taxing cosmetic surgery)
Different employers different rates and then there's the employers that don't offer it at all.

So no. This is pretty important since the current system is broken.
With most Americans getting their insurance through work they pay the same premiums as everyone else.

I pay $35. week to cover me, my wife & my son.

If everyone pays $35./wk, shouldn't the government go find something important to do (like taxing cosmetic surgery)

Different employers different rates and then there's the employers that don't offer it at all.

So no. This is pretty important since the current system is broken.

No wonder you're so confused.
It all comes down to dictatorial governments interfering in the lives of its public.

Stay out of my life.
With most Americans getting their insurance through work they pay the same premiums as everyone else (at said workplace).

Clear things up for ya Gonz?
Why not go online & find a nice private policy?

We found 113 plans starting as low as $185.91 a month
Results based on 3 applicants located in ALLEN County, effective 8/31/2009
oh yes, let us explore all of our glorious options with benevolent insurance companies, who put human values first.
Shall we just sit back and wait for Mr. Big Gov to sustain us?

Spike says his girlfriend doesn't qualify for health insurance because of pre-existing medical conditions. He says he pays $1300/month for a single script. Those articles explain several options for those w/pre-existing conditions.

Got some kind of problem with that? *handonhip