The 17th Amendment...

People don't understand their system so Homie & the Unc are correct.

I like this part...
Some states went without representation in the Senate for years as a consequence.
It seems it ws a result of the State being unable to find the right person. Hardly the problem of the Federal Gov't.
Few people today know that the Founding Fathers never intended for senators to be popularly elected. The Constitution originally provided that senators would be chosen by state legislatures. The purpose was to provide the states — as states — an institutional role in the federal government. In effect, senators were to function as ambassadors from the states, which were expected to retain a large degree of sovereignty even after ratification of the Constitution, thereby ensuring that their rights would be protected in a federal system.

THAT got shot all to hell 'bout 145 years ago, now didn't it?

But don't mind me, I'm just a nutcase... :D