The amazing mind..


Well-Known Member
I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdgnieg The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid Aodccrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dnsoe't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the hmuan mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azmanig huh?
and I awlyas tghuoht slpeling was ipmorantt...

Sorry...computers ain't got a damn thing on us.
I'm really amazed since I actually undertood that and I read it at the same speed I read in english.
Luis G said:
I'm really amazed since I actually undertood that and I read it at the same speed I read in english.

It is truly amazing. A computer could come up with all sorts of combinations with those words i'm sure but the fact that in under ten seconds the human mind can compile the exact meaning of the entire message with no errors is truly astounding. It makes you wonder just how many calculations the brain can do in a given time period. Also i believe there is another factor. I believe that logic works as a formula that actually cuts down on the amount of data that the brain has to compute by eliminating multiple possibilities.
Luis G said:
I'm really amazed since I actually undertood that and I read it at the same speed I read in english.
Me too, and I hope I read English faster than you. I actually heard this before, but I can't remember where. They say memory is the first thing to go. I can't remember what the second thing is... :lol:
I was amazed because english is not my primary language.

To complement what you said, we humans base our understanding of language with grammars, context and history. Every sentence has a form, there's no rule as to how you should word a given sentence, it can either sound right or not. The context limits the ammount of possible words used in a given sentence, you won't start coming up with words like cat or horse if you are talking about speakers. And the history links what was read before with what is being read now.

AFAIK, the dependent context grammars and some sort of history has been included to natural language processing and still there's no substantial advances in the area. And they will never will as long as computers compute the way they do now, because NLP is uncomputable.
Luis G said:
To complement what you said, we humans base our understanding of language with grammars, context and history. Every sentence has a form, there's no rule as to how you should word a given sentence, it can either sound right or not. The context limits the ammount of possible words used in a given sentence, you won't start coming up with words like cat or horse if you are talking about speakers. And the history links what was read before with what is being read now.

Exactly what i mean by logic being used in the computation process. While processing the brain has access to every single word in our vocabulary. If it sees a five letter word i think it first and automatically eliminates any word that's not five letters (this would be the most efficiant way) then it would eliminate every word that didn't contain the exact combination of letters you're looking at. Next rather than computing every possible combination of letters(as a computer would do) it compares it with what is now a very small list. The process of elimination in logic is utterly fantastic. I don't know that this is exactly how it works but i'm guessing it works something like this as again it seems it would be the most efficiant route to a solution.
Context ;)

For instance, given a scrambled word with no context measure the time it takes you to guess it.

(crappy scrambled manually :D)
A hsuoe is rshefidt cseue bteetr gternesas gniog form ctuprmor srisune. If sseunt sotre uvinsree sertet jipunmg.


A house is redshift cause better greatness going from computer sunrise. If sunset store universe street jumping.

Random words are a little harder eh? :D