A couple of books I've been playing with recently set my mind a'wandering. Got me to thinking about what a bunch of snotty know it all morons we, late 20th & early 21st century humans, have become.
Ka (or whatever word you like for fate) & God. Either, neither, both may exist. I don't know & frankly don't much care. But as portions of these books use those kind of phrases I hear people from my own past, as well as people on TV & radio & movies, etc saying things like "Fate-bah, if I can't control my destiny why would I do anything" or "If I could ask God a question it'd be something like Why do you allow so much suffering". The "I'm in charge" kind of questions. Which after thinking about that rationale got me to laughing my ass off.
As if the great wheel of Ka has time, caring or any inclination to consider what you want or think. It's job would be to move worlds forward with no regard for what happens outside it's preconceived realm. You would do your job or get crushed beneath the turning of the axis, which may well be your job.
Now about God...assuming he's the great infinite omniscient presence in which ages of scholars & theologians have argued, could you & your finite mind could even grasp the complex nature of such a being? Imagine the immense power that would have to be to create such a vast & everchanging universe. A being where time would have no meaning yet we consider our short pitiful lives to be so important.
Damn we're egostistical little peons.
Ka (or whatever word you like for fate) & God. Either, neither, both may exist. I don't know & frankly don't much care. But as portions of these books use those kind of phrases I hear people from my own past, as well as people on TV & radio & movies, etc saying things like "Fate-bah, if I can't control my destiny why would I do anything" or "If I could ask God a question it'd be something like Why do you allow so much suffering". The "I'm in charge" kind of questions. Which after thinking about that rationale got me to laughing my ass off.
As if the great wheel of Ka has time, caring or any inclination to consider what you want or think. It's job would be to move worlds forward with no regard for what happens outside it's preconceived realm. You would do your job or get crushed beneath the turning of the axis, which may well be your job.
Now about God...assuming he's the great infinite omniscient presence in which ages of scholars & theologians have argued, could you & your finite mind could even grasp the complex nature of such a being? Imagine the immense power that would have to be to create such a vast & everchanging universe. A being where time would have no meaning yet we consider our short pitiful lives to be so important.
Damn we're egostistical little peons.