The Big Picture...


Out-freaking-standing OTC member
We all know the phrase, and we all think we see it, but what, exactly is it?

I have my own opinion...which is rather conservative, but is also quite open. It's based on history, and possible repercussions of those actions being used to base decisions on today. For instance...

Just Cause. How did it come about, and why? One could base this on the actions of James Earl Carter, giving power over the canal to Omar Torrijos, who was backed by Manuel Noriega, who was trainedby the CIA, which was headed by George H.W. Bush.

Desert Storm. Once again, it comes down to history...Pay close attention to the area, and, especially, Norman Schwarzkopf's role in Iran...which percipitated the intervention of Carter in the training of Saddam, and, finally, the rise of Islamic fundamentalism.

I use methods some may find less than interesting, but each decision made in the past has a direct correllation to the events of the present. The decisions we make today will have a direct effect on the lives of those we leave behind. As long as the media throws enough mud in the air, this picture will never be seen. Nor will the constant interferance in our lives of those in power. We let ourselves be manipulated by only looking at what we are told to be truths, and we never really see the whole truth. Study your history, people.
Just cause is the over-riding imperative to end event or events which are more damaging than the possible effects of doing such action. (stop saddam from taking kuwait vs allowing him to control the mid-east by force)
Gonz said:
Just cause is the over-riding imperative to end event or events which are more damaging than the possible effects of doing such action. (stop saddam from taking kuwait vs allowing him to control the mid-east by force)

I look at it more as an attempt to correct a bad decision too late...The 'pound of cure' instead of the 'ounce of prevention'. Most people don't look past their own agendas to even try to see the big picture.

Here's another view...

Porkbarrel Spending. It's always highest in the states holding, or about to hold, a federal election...