The calendar


I just tried to put a reminder in the private calendar and was greeted with " you do not have permission to enter...." :confused: Are we having a problem with the calendar?
Damn..two admins and a mod online when i posted this and no one even looked at the thread...:mope: i feel so insignificant....:crying3:
I looked. Just didn't have anything to add. I'm new at this.

'Cides, you know fluffy's the only one who can fix things here.
well thank you. It only showed it had been viewed 1 time. and that was i thought everyone ignored it.
There's a thread with 3 replies and one view. I'm told it's a feature. Views doesn't update very often.
It's once a day.

We run into the same thing at hoem depot. The computer's count on our stock only updates once a day, so it's possible for it to say we have seven Milwaukee hammer drills in stock when we really have none.

Boy, am I glad I'm leaving that place to sell Dish Network.
Squiggy said:
I just tried to put a reminder in the private calendar and was greeted with " you do not have permission to enter...." :confused: Are we having a problem with the calendar?
I dunno :shrug: Maybe an admin who actually has time to fart around with stuff can check permissions for ya.

And views update once every hour.
WooHoo a fury sighting :D

Sounding a little stressed there "f" man ,just keep reminding yourself it'll all be worth it .Lucky bastich ,having that kind of Brain,mines kinda fried :drink: