The can of worms must be tasty


molṑn labé
Staff member
Girls are outperforming boys because the school system favors them, said Anglin, who has filed a federal civil rights complaint contending that his school discriminates against boys.
What's good for the goose and all that

Apparently we need a law where everyone above or below 100 IQ needs to be killed... just to keep it fair and all.
It will fall through after a bit when noone smart enough is left to tabulate IQ's or run the killo-tines. The rest will starve as everyone will be to dumb to remember how to raise decent crops. Television and shock jocks will thrive.
See, what they need to do is kill off those under 100 first. If they do that, the 100 index will move up, since 100 is the average. So the population would get progressively smarter.