The competitive edge?


Southern Discomfort

A California gardening company that advertised the fact that its employees speak English is being criticized as perpetuating racist stereotypes by activists in its community, according to KGET-TV.

The ad in question, published in the Bakersfield Californian, read: "having problems communicating with your current gardener?--Talk to us, we're English-speaking."

The man who ran the ad says he is just trying to compete. But Lou Gomez, the President of the Hispanic Chamber of commerce, called the ad racist.


Winky's Lawn and Garden Service maybe?
And yet, "Se Habla Español" in a shop window has been accepted marketing practice in places like So Cal, Miami, and increasingly Atlanta for years. Why is THAT not racist?
HomeLAN said:
And yet, "Se Habla Español" in a shop window has been accepted marketing practice in places like So Cal, Miami, and increasingly Atlanta for years. Why is THAT not racist?
In that sign, they're meaning what exactly? We Speak Spanish? or...We Only Speak Spanish?
Winky said:
presione uno para el inglés

no Les that means:

'shop elsewhere'

Would you like to have a surgeon that came from a third world
country and you couldn't understand half of what he\she said?

I mean these people can't speak ANY language!

Forget aboot readin’ and writin’
There was a local law here at one time for a very short time,
that business signs, in the city, if they were in spanish, they also had to be in english,
but they squashed that in about 6mos. :alienhuh:
Winky said:
Would you like to have a surgeon that came from a third world country and you couldn't understand half of what he\she said?

That's why they've taken all the anesthesiologist jobs.
Winky said:
Would you like to have a surgeon that came from a third world
country and you couldn't understand half of what he\she said?

Better than one that smokes like a chimney and drinks like a fish, I say. Actually, I know one. Well, to be fair he does speak English quite well (Graduated from UCLA), just has a Pakistani accent. He's a vascular specialist but has never worked on me. Very intelligent man though. Besides, he owns a blues club I play at from time to time.

Just a side note, my brother is quite possibly the biggest redneck on the planet (you'd like him a lot), and yet his best friend is Iranian (left in fear of his life when the Shah was ousted).
Winky said:
Would you like to have a surgeon that came from a third world
country and you couldn't understand half of what he\she said?

Me mums last 3 we ones were delivered by a dude from Pakistan. I couldn't understand 1/2 of what he said. They turned out just fine, thanks.