The Cos


Staff member
hmm. I dunno what to think about this one.

[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Bill Cosby, thought of as a generous family-friendly comedian, is dealing with another bombshell in scandalous allegations that have been slapped against him.

A source close to the case whispers that investigators have found that the former sitcom star did have sexual contact with his accuser. She’s a 31-year-old Pickering woman. Now they’re trying to figure out if it was consensual.

The 67-year-old funnyman has talked with prosecutors in the U.S., but they aren’t saying anything about the discussion.

“I'm not going to get into what he told us,” said Bruce Castor, the Montgomery County D.A. “All I can say that he has been cooperative, as has the woman that has complained.”

Cosby’s accuser alleges that he gave her medication and then fondled her last year at his Philadelphia mansion. Some have questioned her motives for waiting so long to come forward.

Her lawyer said that the comedian’s fame made it difficult for the woman to speak up. Cosby’s attorney meanwhile, said he was “even optimistic” that no criminal charges will be filed.

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Why does the thought of Bill Cosby of all people "fondling" any woman, especially non-consentually, not only creep me out, but threaten to shatter my childhood illusions that maybe, just maybe, there are still good people out there...
This isn't the first time sex has cought out the Coz. Didn't he get sued for paternity a few years back too?
I saw her parents talking...they said the woman in question didn't "know" what happened was wrong until she took a massage therapist course. Then she knew, and just had to do something. :alienhuh:

and...yeah. His affair shattered his image with me awhile back, but this?
Leslie said:
I saw her parents talking...they said the woman in question didn't "know" what happened was wrong until she took a massage therapist course. Then she knew, and just had to do something. :alienhuh:

Learning difficulties perhaps?

Only knew about the naughty parts after they were pointed out to her in the class?

*shudder* That just makes it even worse!!!!
I don't believe that Bill Cosby needs to drug women to get action off of them. He's got plenty of money and, as a result, plenty of women willing to throw themselves at him in an effort to later sue him for paternity.
I dunno what he/they did or what it was or how consentual it was...but I do think that she's just recently figured out that a Canuck can sue an American.

Sounds on surface to be an oops I was drunk therefore it was rape situation.
Leslie said:
I dunno what he/they did or what it was or how consentual it was...but I do think that she's just recently figured out that a Canuck can sue an American.

Sounds on surface to be an oops I was drunk therefore it was rape situation.

So, what are you trying to say here? Canadians are too dumb to sue rich US citizens? ;)

I think it's a money grab. She was okay with this for a year, or she would've pressed charges. :rolleyes: Why work for something when you can take somebody elses?
Ooh but she didn't know that it was wrong or that it bothered her. She went to school and learned it. :tardbang:
Leslie said:
Ooh but she didn't know that it was wrong or that it bothered her. She went to school and learned it. :tardbang:

Pardon me, Miss, while I stick my dick in your's perfectly legal. :D
"Some have questioned her motives for waiting so long to come forward."

Yeah Right anyone with two brain cells to rub together
knows what her 'motivation' I$ !!!


Am I the only married man left in America that hasn't screwed around on his Wife?

(*guess I better 'git-er-done'*) heh j/k! sheesh
No you're not the only one.

re: Cosby...numbskull. re: the woman...timing is everything. Look for the behind the scenes NAACP troublemaker.

Bill Cosby will not face charges stemming from a woman's allegation that he fondled her at his suburban mansion after giving her medication that made her woozy, a prosecutor said Thursday.
Authorities found insufficient evidence to support the woman's claims, Montgomery County District Attorney Bruce L. Castor Jr. said in a statement.

A former Temple University employee, who now lives in her native Ontario, told Canadian authorities last month that, after a night out with friends in January 2004, Cosby gave her medication that made her dizzy, then fondled her. She said she later awoke to find her bra undone and her clothes in disarray.

Cosby, 67, a Temple alumnus and booster, has denied the allegations. In a statement Thursday, his lawyer said Cosby was gratified by the decision.

"Mr. Cosby looks forward to moving on with his life," attorney Walter M. Phillips Jr. said.

Castor has said that the accuser's yearlong delay in coming forward, and her contact with Cosby in the past year, weighed in the comedian's favor.

The prosecutor said he also reviewed claims by other people that Cosby had "behaved inappropriately" toward them, but that detectives could find no instance "where anyone complained to law enforcement of conduct which would constitute a criminal offense."

The woman's attorney called the evidence strong and blasted Castor for failing to notify her before announcing his decision. The woman is likely to sue Cosby, attorney Dolores M. Troiani said.

"I think that's the only avenue open to her," Troiani said late Thursday after speaking with her client.

"She felt, as we did, that it's a very strong case and that she was telling the truth and that Mr. Castor's opinion does not change the facts," she said.

Troiani said her client gave prosecutors tapes of telephone calls between Cosby and the family that bolster the allegations. The calls occurred after her client contacted police, the lawyer said.

Cosby's publicist, David Brokaw, declined comment Thursday on whether the comedian had any telephone contact with the family since the investigation began.