The dangers of Nanotech!


100% Pure Canadian Beef
If TV has taught me anything, which it hasn't, is that nanotechnology
leads to plagues which jumpstart superraces of zombies who wonder the
streets and in search of their favored food: human flesh! In this
future world gone mad, the shattered and scarred remants of humanity
will hide in houses and move around stealthily, ever vigilant for the
undead menace which will roam the streets!

Their only hope in this newly cristened dark age will be to band
together and fight off hoard after hoard of zombies, and while many
will not survive, and a scantly clad busty babe will wind up sleeping
with the chisle jawed shot gun toting hero, despite the lusts of his
comic relief sidekick who bears a striking remblance to Jack Black or
an equivilent hollywood funnyman. But their plight will not yet be
over! No, it will just be the beginning of the horrible nightmare that
is our future.

Oh, damn you nonotech bikini wearing sort-of-cute asian girl - look
what your so called "fashion" has wrought! Oh, the terrors of this
disease sparking consumer culture of ours! Truly we are the architects
of our own demise!

Now I don't know about anybody else, but I'm stalking up on KD and
shot gun shells to best fend off our would be zombie overloards. I
shall fortify my home, with a moat and spike traps, and from the
massive walls of my impenitrable compound, once the plague hits, I
shall shoot every zombie that tries to rush my fortress! Come have
some hellpawn of the night! I'm waiting for you!
