The Divide


molṑn labé
Staff member
If this doesn't piss you off you need a new nation. First our President allows a foreign leader to denigrate one of our states & does nothing while the Congressional Democrats give a standing ovation for the same message.

Remember when this used to be America?

Wolf get's it done. 5:00 onward makes Calderon look like a fool.
but..but..but..its racial profiling..They aren't going after all the illegal Swedes living in Arizona, only the brown skinned ones..
I disagree with him about criticizing US immigration laws.

I agree that the US is also to blame for the drug problems. Many in the US refuse to accept it, but the responsibility is shared, while Mexico is the place that sends the drugs, the US is the market (one with a high demand I might add) and it is also the US the one that provides weapons to cartels.

In order to solve the problem, you must take measures on both sides of the border.
I disagree with him about criticizing US immigration laws.

I agree that the US is also to blame for the drug problems. Many in the US refuse to accept it, but the responsibility is shared, while Mexico is the place that sends the drugs, the US is the market (one with a high demand I might add) and it is also the US the one that provides weapons to cartels.

In order to solve the problem, you must take measures on both sides of the border.

I agree almost totally :thumbup:

Nothing else can be done on the national level, until the U.S Gov. shows they can be trusted.
They ONLY way that can be done is when the 'people' see first the border
being controlled.
The people already here situation can be put back on the list (if not secondly),
but "rounding up" hasn't been done on a mass scale, and isn't necessary to
really get the ball moving.
(that's what the activist want people to think will happen though, because they want complete open borders)
The major problem I have with legalizing drugs is the welfare state. If you want to do drugs you can't expect my taxes to pay for them, that includes health care.

We need that fence period. Boot the illegals and their children who were not born under US jurisdiction (anchor babies)
no Crossing the Divide

Listening to that guy trying to speak Engrish
reminds me of that recent law passed here requiring
school teachers to be able to speak something close to English.

I assume he has an excuse, unlike these third generation
Mexican-Americans in this town?

He doesn’t like our low? Too bad, tough tortillas.
Or....taco-flavored kisses....

I agree that the US is also to blame for the drug problems.

Nope. Chiecken/egg. Both sides are to blame but I must ask you, if drugs are legal in Mexico, why are there so many cartel-related deaths? Also, if our firepower is to blame for the level of violence, why is Mexico allowing your citizens to enter our nation & buy weapons? Since we don't sell automatic weapons, or military weapons, how are they getting those?
Nope. Chiecken/egg. Both sides are to blame but I must ask you, if drugs are legal in Mexico, why are there so many cartel-related deaths? Also, if our firepower is to blame for the level of violence, why is Mexico allowing your citizens to enter our nation & buy weapons? Since we don't sell automatic weapons, or military weapons, how are they getting those?

Please re-read and try to notice the word also ;)
Re: Headlong into the Chasm

I hear them Mexican jails are pretty rough.

Rough? You want rough? How about a nation that allows its military to have nekkid guys bark like dogs while being laughed at by ugly KY wimmins. Think that's bad? If you aren't careful, the police will pull you over, all willy nilly like, and ASK FOR YOUR PAPERS!!!!!! Goddamn man, my drivers license has never been paper. HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO GIVE THEM PAPERS? Mexican jails. Pttthhhttt. Piece of cake compared to the US.