The enemies list is growing


Well-Known Member
First FoxNEWS, then the health insurance industry, and now the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. When will it end? Oh, yeah, November 2012.

He doesn't really have an enemies list Jim. That's some sort of fear mongering thing. The Chamber of Commerce is a big lobbyist group. Health Insurance industry is fighting reform and you know Fox News is a steaming pile of crap.

Are you saying the president can't disagree with anyone or it's some massive conspiracy?

Fear Fear Fear.
The President that publically airs his grievances is not in control & is umprepared to lead. Make a speech & the point is made. Talk about it daily & you're whining.
unprepared to lead? so you made it to that conclusion from... what?

and you wanna talk about not in control in public? i think you're misunderestimating something here. now if you'll excuse me i need to go put food on my family. mum looks great with avocado slices right over her ears.
True. He is quite capable of leading us. Look where he's taken us so far:

Down the road to destruction!

Fortunately, people are starting to wake up and put on the brakes.
what community? i see nothing of community at the level he's operating.

you mean he's wanting to change national institutions? and you don't think we need any kind of change?

lemme ask this... should the heathcare system be left completely alone, or should there be some kind of change to it, and if so, what?

should there be any more regulation of the finance folks that knowingly made loans and deals on financial instruments (e.g. derivatives) that carry a extraordinarily high levels of risk? should we just let them carry on as before and see what that does to the economy? for that matter, what do YOU think caused this recession that we're in?
We have met the enemy and he is named Hussein

ow ow ow pick me pick me I know I know!
should there be any more regulation of the finance folks that knowingly made loans and deals on financial instruments (e.g. derivatives) that carry a extraordinarily high levels of risk?

They were forced, under threat of Congress, to make loans that they knew were questionable. GW Bush & adminstration were warngin Congress, particularly barney Frank, Chair of the House Financial Services Committee‎, that these loans were putting an undue burden on Fannie & Freddie. Barney said there is no problem.

Watch barney put his foot in his mouth
do you have any idea how much healthcare costs have grown over the past 10 years? do you think such a pattern is sustainable? do you think businesses can afford it?
There is always a simple solution to every problem.

The approach championed by Ms Coulter WOULD
drastically and immediately improve the healthcare industry situation.

Only two things need be done:
Tort reform and

Now what would really happen if the government law commanding
private enterprise emergency rooms to provide free (profit destroying) service
to any sluggo that stumbles in or gets dumped on their doorstep
by city paramedics. If the federal government wants to provide free
healthcare let em serve those people only.
do you have any idea how much healthcare costs have grown over the past 10 years? do you think such a pattern is sustainable? do you think businesses can afford it?

Do you know who sets the standard (reasonable & customary) fee's?

Every time they lower the payment schedule, the cost goes up to keep income. Government intervention fucks up the system, again. Well, that and a rapidly aging population.
Market forces would determine the quality and supply
in a far more efficient manner than the corrupted
Government ever could.

Healthcare is just another product.

If it was priced completely out of reach of its customers
the market would resolve the issue.

If the supply/demand equation was out of whack
the market would resolve the issue.

That invisible hand is a wunderful thang.
If the supply/demand equation was out of whack
the market would resolve the issue..

No, actually it would lead to the most profitable model. Sick people aren't profitable. So it would only cover the healthy. Totally broken. As it is now.
okay sure if we just let it go the invisible hand of the market will make it allright.

Don't think so? Take a look at Lasik. It's not covered, generally. A cash deal has gotten safer, more affordable & less traumatic since its inception.

How about plastic surgery...have they had inflationary cost spirals in the last 20 years?
Lessee hmm how simple could this be?

The Product:
Medical care.
The issue:
sick people
(an endless market there fer sure)
Supply vs demand hmmm

A profitable medical business model
to profit in this marketplace?
Seems like a no-brainer not
rocket science.

One business that doesn’t profit from delivering its
product (claims) is the insurance industry.
Insurance companies have a vested interest in
Not providing medical care
This is not true of the Medical industry
as that is the product OF their industry!

If anything but the most outrageous things were paid
out of pocket directly to the Medical industry
without the insurance companies being involved at all
the costs could be reasonable.
My wife and I have driven accident free for decades
no claims, pay car insurance every year, they’ve
made pure bank off of me. A lousy product for me.

I’d be the first to pay a reasonable amount to a catastrophic
medical insurance policy. It would have too be limited to what is reasonable to contain costs.
If I needed a quadruple by-pass and it would fix me up and let me live another
30 years yeah let the policy pony up, the one I bought that covers bypass ops.

But covering outrageous things would be nuts.
I already hear you saying, oh but whose to decide what is reasonable?
Oh that ever efficient invisible hand would guide this perfectly.
It’s in the policy I bought.
If a company didn’t offer a policy I wanted another company would.
If I demanded a policy that guaranteed never ending life no matter the cost
at any expense, ya know what? The market prolly wouldn’t offer it!

Don’t even get me started on the ambulance chasing lawyer that would offer to
file a lawsuit for a cut of the settlement against the insurances companies
for not offering immortality polices cuz it wouldn’t happen heh

yeah Tort Reform and free the free market
boot the insurance company and the government
out from in-between you and your access to the Medical industry
and things would change over night.
Wow there is a limit to post size, heh heh
Yeah that’s right Gonz!
I think the price of plastic titties
sure has remained quite flat over the years heh heh