The European Intrusion --an article (rant)



If you think political correctness is out of control in America – and it is – Europe is even worse. A few weeks ago the Swedish parliament passed a bill that would change its constitution to ban speech that is insulting to homosexuals or other "alternative lifestyles."

This is definitely a step towards controlling people. How can you justify a law like this? I mean, I wouldn't go around insulting people just for the fun of it, but I do have a right to say something derrogatory to someone. What is the difference between saying to someone, "You fag," or "You are so stupid."? Both are insulting.

And if Olaf is living in your Stockholm neighborhood and is housing a herd of reindeer or something, you'd better not say, "Hey, Olaf, your alternative lifestyle is bringing down property values around here." That could land you in front of a judge.

This is amusing.

But far more serious is the constant politically correct nonsense that is inhibiting the war on terror. Germany says it will not hand over primary source documents to the United States linking accused terrorist Zacharias Moussaoui to al-Qaida funding because Moussaoui could get the death penalty if convicted in a Virginia federal courtroom.

Never mind that some of the 9-11 terrorists used Germany as a staging area and a money funnel, the Germans are now indignant that we may execute a guy who could be partially responsible for killing 3,000 human beings.

Oh brother. Fuck them. They are supposed to be an ally:

This kind of dopey policy is infuriating, but it is also dangerous. If Germany doesn't want to execute convicted mass murderers, fine; the country can do what it wants. But if murders occur in another country – Germany has no right to say a word. And if it is our NATO ally, and if this is a war on terror, then Germany has an obligation to help the USA any way it can.

They would rather protect someone that killed 3,000 humans than deliver him so that justice can be served.

If it doesn't fulfill that obligation, Germany should withdraw from NATO.

Either that, or I think WE should withdraw from NATO. A bunch of shitheads across the atlantic whining about protecting the poor people's human rights and blalsaelgfbwaleugb FUCK THEM. This guy sort of sums it up:

The entire European Union is a problem in the war on terror, not just Deutschland. The EU has told the Bush administration that it has a "problem" with trying captured terrorists in front of military tribunals. Well, pardon me, EU, but blank you.

Agreed. Cowards.

If the United States government designates that a terrorist is a prisoner of war, then that prisoner can be legally tried in front of a military tribunal. And if the EU doesn't like it, it can kiss our croissants, if you know what I mean.

I agree.

If a terrorist kills somebody in Paris, United States policy is to help out in any and every way. We don't hold back because the French legal system is the opposite of ours – you are presumed guilty there instead of innocent. We do not intrude into the national security matters of other countries. Yet, some of those countries constantly intrude on our right of self-defense.

That is right. Why should WE help THEM, and we HAVE helped them NUMEROUS times in history, but they whine about something as trivial as extraditing those SOBS in their countries?

President Bush is making a large mistake by not asking Congress to officially declare war on terrorists. That should happen immediately so we can put to rest the debate over whether terrorists operating on foreign soil – as that Jose Padilla did – are criminals or prisoners of war. Even if you are an American citizen, if you enlist in al-Qaida or Hamas or any other terrorist group – you are a battlefield combatant and the military should deal with you.

I think we should go into the Axis of Evil and take them all out as soon as possible, as fast as possible, and FUCK the EU on the way. Their political correctness is sending them down the toilets. :mad:

/rant off
I found another article, this time over the International "Court" of Justice.


AMSTERDAM, June 12 -- U.S. officials today sought to allay concerns among Dutch politicians after the Senate approved a measure authorizing use of force if a U.S. citizen is held by the International Criminal Court in The Hague.

Hm, this is interesting. I do like that the Senate has lightened up. If they want to kidnap one of our people they will have to take the consequences.

Some Dutch politicians reacted with dismay at the Senate's action to authorize the president to use "all means necessary" on behalf of U.S. detainees.

Oh I'd day they were dismayed. Their "court" is falling apart.

"It will probably not get to the point where the U.S. will actually invade the Netherlands, but it is serious in the way that it is a warning the U.S. under no circumstances wants a trial of U.S. citizens" at the court, said Tom van der Lee, a spokesman for the Green Left party.

Invading Netherlands? No thanks. At least now we know they will not just kidnap an American citizen. I wish Canada will do the same thing (they will have to rent the US military though). :headbang:
the war on terror isn't seen so clear cut for everyone, it's a term used rather than a genuine conflict for many. i think it's because the enemy is so fluid and accusations are easily levelled and acted upon without evidence.

there is no set coalition document that sets a common treatment of prisoners, like the geneva convention statutes, and that has been agreed by all.

i'm pretty sure that under the 'rules of war' [if you will] you cannot execute combatants for being on the other side. they merely become prisoners of war. i think that until a common agreement is set many allies will be hesistant.
as for not liking the swedes laws on political correctness, it's their choice.

i have noticed that most americans defend their bill of fights and constitution as core to their nation, and don't like people attacking it. how about giving the same courtesy for others. :rolleyes:

the land of the free ain't the only land out there, and some of them work pretty good.
Originally posted by ris

i have noticed that most americans defend their bill of fights and constitution as core to their nation, and don't like people attacking it. how about giving the same courtesy for others. :rolleyes:

could not agree more, stick you thumb in your own pie i say
This is exactly the type of thing that I personally don’t understand....

I am an American. I believe everyone is entitled to live HOWEVER THEY CHOOSE.

I AGREE that there are other places that are as free or more than the U.S.A.

BUT, I do believe that EVERYONE needs to be educated as to what is going on in this world, to see if they ARE living the way they would like. For instance, "Joe" lives in country "XYZ'. He is very happy, and believes he is living a great life. One day he turns on the TV, or logs on to a FORUM he belongs to, and someone is pointing out flaws in his countries governmental practices. They are also saying how things are different in "ABC" country. Thereby opening his eyes to another way he COULD be living.

It is up to him to decide how he wants to live HIS life.

I can’t understand why people will not accept that everyone is different. Have different beliefs, goals, and enjoy different things.


I cannot speak for everyone.... but I just want a better life for my family and myself.... after that, I want to help others get the better life of their choosing. I can’t say that other Americans in our government do things solely for the benefit of those they are trying to "help".

AS for those from other countries that wish to attack our Bill of Rights and Constitution..... THEY HAVE NO RIGHT. It is not theirs. And those that attack it from within... Why are you here? Leave. It’s a free country.

My point is: We cant you live your life, and let me live mine. Why do people try to change the way I live my life by trying to instill fear in me? AS a father, I am no longer afraid of losing my life.... I am just afraid of seeing my family suffer... WHY must I fear that??? What gives you the right to do that to me?

I DONT UNDERSTAND TERRORISM.... GOD is supposed to judge man .... its not our job to judge each other.

As for you Limeys... Is it true you aren’t allowed to own firearms? Does that make you feel safer? I ask these to prove no point, just for my curiosity. I have guns, and they do make me feel safer. AS for my children, they have no access to them, for obvious safety reasons.

Please don’t take offense by what I have said here. I am simply stating my opinions with no malice intended. Limeys, I hope you can take a joke.
Here goes again....

I will make it more short this time, when the US stops putting their nose in other countries, those countries will stop "bringing" terror to the US.

Payback is what they want.
cleveland, that's pretty much what i was saying, other countries governments and ways of like have the right to be respected as much as your own. i have no issues with the us constitution and bill of rights and am pretty sure that most people inthe world have no problem or just don't care.
critism of other countries ways of life, religions etc is wrong. as a writer once said 'i may not agree with your point of view but i defend your right to say it'

as for your gun question, we have very stringent gun controls, most recently on pistols. my stepfather and father both own shotguns and having them in the house has not made me feel any more safe, neither has not having them made me feel unsafe.

the amount of gun-crime inthe uk has risen but it is still exagerated by the media. you will hear horror stories but gun crime against the person here is still very low.
Oh no, not another 2nd Amendment thread:D.

I do believe that EVERYONE needs to be educated as to what is going on in this world

Are you educated as to what is going on here in America in regards to our Constitution? Too many problems here to be too concerned about the rest of the world, in my opinion.
Education is the ultimate cure, the ultimate stabilizing force, the ultimate road to peace.

Look at the areas of the world with the worst current problems, and look at the average education level in those areas. It is politically correct to suppose that education is a symptom, not the root problem. I disagree, but like many diseases our doctors fight, it may be impossible to go after the root cause, and instead we must settle for treating symptoms.

And, like those diseases, treating the symptoms will never rid the body of the disease. We can send guns, or food (whichever the rest of the world thinks is the "right" thing to do at the moment), or medical supplies, or do nothing at all. These are all means of fighting symptoms.

And war and terrorism will continue so long as this remains the norm.
Originally posted by Cleveland GOD is supposed to judge man .... its not our job to judge each other.
That's exactly why we, as Europeans, won't expose anyone to your death penalty.
This tread is beginning with "fuck the EU" so don't come with "WHY ARE AMERICANS BAD? ", it's not the question.
As for LastLegionary, we're tired of you spewing on the Germans. War is over and your father wasn't even born when it ended. The first politically correct law here was about revisionism and I'm sure you didn't mind at that time.
I do believe however that a criminal against the US should be tried under US law. We don't dictate how Europeans try criminals, nor do we harbor them in our country to shield them from your legal system.

That Germany is doing that now, in a time of war, is disturbing to me.
Originally posted by outside looking in
I do believe however that a criminal against the US should be tried under US law.
So believed the Talibans about that girl who was spreading the Bible ... aren't you happy to see her coming back and not stoned to death in Afghanistan ?
Speaking as a US citizen, I think the woman handing out bibles should have been treated under Islamic law. The state department warned her about going over in the first place (standard terrorist-threat and country briefing), so she knew what she was doing was illegal under their law. The excuse of I didn't know was gone before she left the US. Knowing that, I, as a serviceman, think she not only deserved her treatment while she was a captive, but she also deserved any punishment her infraction carried. I see this scenario quite a bit in my line of work, and the result is that folks like me have to go in and pull idiots like her out of a bad situation too many times. Know the rules and abide by them, and your trip to a foreign country will be pleasant. Break them, and I say let them rot.
I admit it. I have no love lost for Europeans (I don't classify British under that though, they are more civilized, in my opinion). I feel compassion for the Jews and hate, HATE the anti-semitism that is on the rise in Europe. Anyone that is an enemy of the Jews (such as the EU) is my enemy. Oh well, just my opinion. In short, lets bomb everything around Israel to hell, and take out Sadam, possibly throw a few bombs into Iran, then get rid of Kadaffi. And FUCK the EU on the way there, I have no use for their idioticy. Hopefully the British will support us a bit, if not, we technically don't need their military's assistance.