The fallen angel´s diary

Luis G

Staff member
The fallen angel's diary

Read it once again, Leslie helped me with this one, thanks ;)

I friend gave me a link, it is in spanish, and the translation might not be accurate.

On that page it says that the Coffer of Alliance contains the Devil's diary, and not the laws of Moises. And because of that the coffer is kept in a safe place, and it is very difficult for anybody to get there. (basically that's it).

" We wanted to see the truth,
but he denied it to us.
He deceived with colors and gifts to us,
and meanwhile his power grew.
We wanted to keep the secret alive,
and he called us treasonous,
he sentenced us in a second,
with his power, his feelings.
We did not obey the orders,
unjust orders of the Dictator,
and we were forced to fight.

But finally we fell,
between blood and shouts,
between fear and resignation,
then his power was already superior to ours,
his power was ours.

And he gave us the greatest of the punishments.
He exiled us for eternity from his kingdom.
He gave us a new history,
and he gave us new lives,
new and horrible lives.

We grew once together, we created together,
but there was ambition in his eyes,
desire to govern it everything.

And we were innocent.

Now we paid our sin,
and we waited for the opportune moment
to be able to reawaken the truth
to teach the way of light,
and to give back peace to the Paradise. "


" Remember the day, the beautiful day,
that we created this universe.
With smiles, hopes,
with good intentions.
We made a pact of blood to not break the laws.

He betrayed it.

We in the beginning made a world of mud.
We created plants, animals.
Nothing that became aware.
And we enjoyed seeing them grow, to live.

But it was not enough for him.
And after the Fall he made Man.
He needed to hear that Man adored him,
that Man made him powerful,
He needed someone to recount his histories,
his lies.

And later he left Man.
When he got tired of Man, he left him in "freedom"
with his problems
with his fears
with his beliefs

He told Man that I was the culprit of his misfortunes,
and I could not speak.
He went away and he forgot them, that simple.
He looked for those who adored him with more force,
those who gave Him more tributes, more sacrifices.

Now he creates worlds in an instant,
and in the next moment he destroys them,
wiping them out for eternity,
taking their histories, their short histories with them.

And I can do nothing."
"HE" is God.
We are mankind, and "I" is the devil.

The translation might need a little work, i will ask Leslie a little help with it. :)
I think it is corrected now. Read it again if you're interested.
I read a novel called "To reign in Hell". It puts a whole new twist on the God/Satan thingy. Very good book. I highly recommend it.