The fridge is clean


Staff member
I need to go swim in a tub of bleach now. :sick:

Worst. Job. Ever. I have no idea how lettuce becomes that.
Another reason to give up the vegetarian lifestyle and surrender to the sweet goodness of deep fried meaty bits sold down at (multinational fast-foodery). That stuff doesn't rot... it just... mummifies.
I guess I'm just a weirdo. I throw away anything questionable in the fridge each and every Wednesday (garbage day).
If it's unidentifiable, why do people just let it lay? A bag of mold with liquid cow shit in a fridge is an unsightly mess.
I just wiped up some spilled coke from the bottom of the fridge ... it was sitting there for a few days while I waited to see if my husband would clean his mess up on his own (I don't drink soda so I know it wasn't me) :D
I should do my fridge again, did it a few weeks ago but there are some left overs that need to go.
I just wiped up some spilled coke from the bottom of the fridge ... it was sitting there for a few days while I waited to see if my husband would clean his mess up on his own (I don't drink soda so I know it wasn't me) :D

How do you know it was spilled coke (pepsi, whatever) and not something else? :devious:
blasphemous!! he would never waste a single drop of guiness!!
the opened coke bottle lying on its side gave it away :D
blasphemous!! he would never waste a single drop of guiness!!
the opened coke bottle lying on its side gave it away :D

Hmm...maybe he spilled the Guiness, and placed the coke on its side to cover up the blasphemous act...:devious:
you're continuing on your conspiracy theory, are you? can't let it go? my husband would probably lick the fridge clean if it REALLY was guiness.

his favorite is the extra stout :beerbang:
Well guys, some of you will be distressed to hear that our beer fridge is slowly dying and that makes me very sad. I put a lot of work into the labels and now I will have to start from scratch. I think I will spray paint it first to make my job easier.
It really sucks because I have stopped peeling labels and I will have to pick that practice back up. I have learned that I should set my bottle soaking operation up outside so I can just dump the narsty water on the grass. If any of you folks want to peel unique labels for us I would be appreciative.
Can you put the non-working fridge somewhere to use as a storage cabinet or something so the labels don't go to waste?