The future of Obamacare


Well-Known Member
It seems that the death panels have already struck in AZ -- twice.

The state has reduced Medicaid coverage for transplants; and that reduction is starting to take a toll. I thought that more coverage was supposed to reduce deficits and debt.

That's what Obama and Pelosi (See my next post) tell us.


2nd person denied Ariz. transplant coverage dies

The Associated Press
Wednesday, January 5, 2011; 9:01 PM

PHOENIX -- A second person denied transplant coverage by Arizona under a state budget cut has died, with this death "most likely" resulting from the coverage reduction, a hospital spokeswoman said Wednesday.

University Medical Center spokeswoman Jo Marie Gellerman said the patient died Dec. 28 at another medical facility after earlier being removed from UMC's list for a liver transplant needed because of hepatitis C.

Gellerman cited medical privacy requirements in declining to release any information about the patient.

Arizona reduced Medicaid coverage for transplants on Oct. 1 under cuts included to help close a shortfall in the state budget enacted last spring.

Officials at the Tucson, Ariz., hospital said the patient's death "most likely" resulted from Arizona's scaling back coverage for transplants, she said.

It's impossible to say with 100 percent certainty whether the patient would have died anyway, Gellerman said, "but we do know that his condition has gotten more severe since he was taken off the list."

The patient's worsening condition would have elevated his place on the list, she added.

A Phoenix-area man, Mark Price, died Nov. 28 of complications from preparation for a bone-marrow transplant that was to be privately funded. That funding was provided anonymously after The Associated Press and other media outlets reported that he was notified of two possible donors on Oct. 1, the same day the coverage was reduced.

The second person's death was reported by KOLD-TV in Tucson and the Arizona Guardian.

Democrats and other critics have slammed Republican Gov. Jan Brewer and the Republican-led Legislature for the transplant coverage reduction, and incoming Senate Minority Leader David Schapira called on them to restore the approximately $1.4 million of funding.

"Failure to restore this funding is a death sentence for people who have committed no crimes," he said.

Contacted for comment on the latest death, Brewer spokeswoman Paul Senseman said the governor's office didn't have confirmation that the person was enrolled in the state Medicaid program, the Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System.

Brewer earlier Wednesday renewed her defense of the transplant coverage reduction but expressed a willingness to have it reviewed.

"It's something that probably needs to be discussed," Brewer said. "Eveybody is concerned about it, as I am. The bottom line is ... that was one of those areas that we could cut and we moved forward on that."

Brewer commented when asked by a reporter about a legislative committee chairman's intention to review the transplant cutbacks during a future budget hearing.

Brewer and Republican lawmakers want to drop approximately 250,000 people from AHCCCS enrollment because of the state's continuing budget troubles and the impending loss of federal stimulus funding that has propped up spending on the Medicaid program.

Arizona faces a projected $1.4 billion shortfall in its next state budget.

Brewer has said she will ask President Barack Obama's administration for a waiver permitting the enrollment reduction. The federal health care overhaul otherwise bars the enrollment reduction.
There is a video of Pelosi making this outrageous claim included in the webpage.

My favorite part was this:

“If everyone in America was very, very pleased with his or her health insurance and had no complaints, and had access to quality affordable health care in our country, it still would have been necessary for us to pass the health-care reform bill because we could not sustain the system,”

Is this bitch insane or what?


Pelosi: Repealing Obamacare Would Do ‘Very Serious Violence to the National Debt'
Wednesday, January 05, 2011
By Dan Joseph

( - Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said Tuesday that repealing Obamacare would do "very serious violence to the national debt and deficit."

As enacted, Obamacare requires all Americans to have a government-approved health insurance plan and provides federal subsidies to all individuals and families earning up to 400 percent of the poverty level to purchase health insurance.

“If everyone in America was very, very pleased with his or her health insurance and had no complaints, and had access to quality affordable health care in our country, it still would have been necessary for us to pass the health-care reform bill because we could not sustain the system,” Pelosi said on Tuesday.

That is because Obamacare is a money saver, she argued.

“So to say that we are going to repeal it, is, just as has been said by my colleagues, it is to do very serious violence to the national debt and deficit," said Pelosi. "So for what it means for personal security and what it means for fiscal security to our country, you can’t just say, ‘I like the palatable parts of this but I don’t want the structural change that is required.’”

Pelosi made her comments at her last news conference as speaker of the House in the 11th Congress. (The new Congress--and a new speaker--is scheduled to be sworn-in today, Jan. 5.)
So what's happening across the pond? This fat ass sniveler is suing the National Health service (NHS) because they let him get too fat. He topped out at 64st (stone = 20#) and is now a trim 37st.

I just gotta ask, though. Is that his friggin' scrotum? :evileek2:


MAN mountain Paul Mason plans to SUE the NHS - claiming they ignored his plight as he rocketed towards 70 stone.

Paul - once the world's fattest man - vowed to use any compo to help other patients who need weight-loss ops.

The 50-year-old, of Ipswich, said he begged his local NHS trust for help at 30st.

But the medic he consulted in 1996 told him: "Ride your bike more."

When the former postman hit 64st he asked to see an eating disorders specialist, but was sent to a dietician.

He had life-saving gastric surgery last year and is now a relatively slim 37st.

Paul said: "I want to set a precedent so no one else has to get to the same size - and to put something back into society."

We revealed this month how his weight had made him feel so guilty he tried to kill himself THREE times.

He took an overdose of powerful pain killers because of his huge body mass they failed to do any harm. He later slashed his wrists after having an earlier gastric band op cancelled.

Five more years passed before he was given the chance to have the operation.

But in that time he was housebound and could not even go to the funeral of his mum Janet last year.

At his heaviest Paul was eating 20,000 calories a day - ten times what a normal, healthy man should consume - and the cost of caring for him is thought to have hit £1million in 15 years.

He finally had the £30,000 operation last spring but before it could take place floors at St Richard's Hospital in Chichester, West Sussex, had to be reinforced at a cost of £5,000 to take his weight.

An NHS Suffolk spokesman said: "As we have not heard from Mr Mason it would be inappropriate to speculate."
Obamacare has no future

Want to raise the debt ceiling? Sure, here it is with a repeal and alphabet reduction plan earmarked bill.

Obamacare has no future

The U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights were not written and ratified by the states for the purpose
of allowing congressmen free rein to control every aspect of our daily lives.