The good news


Southern Discomfort
We are slowly making strides on our house. We now have porches, and AE is busy putting flowers and such on them as we type. As soon as I am able to stand up steadily without wobbling all over creation, the finishing touch shall be added...

The flag.

Man, it's good to be home again.

We have some grass, more weeds, and a few trees planted hither and yon. Things are starting to shape up at last.
I feel that I should give you advanced warning that Prof is likely to demand photos. :D
Glad to hear it. Next year, you can put the garden & the still up & all will be well.
I don't drive GMs, so no rust buckets thankyoujustthesame.

The still is operable, the barn is standing, it's just the owner that's feeble. An' we gonna fix that purt soon.

I will try and get AE, the resident gadget guru, to tutor me on how to post a picture from the digitalisticalized camera box thingamabob doodad contraption whatsit. Promise.