the great wimp-out, chapter two


as if condi caving to N korea weren't enough, now the US is engaging in talks with syria and iran in re: iraq.

wow, we musta really squandered a lotta resources to have to be kissin' on kim dong ill, bashar al asswad, and ahmenawhateverthefuckhisnameis.

go team!
YEA!!!! Kim can now be a liar to two administrations. Ain't diplomacy grand?
Didn't take the left long to withdraw support for the ISG's opinions so they could engage in more Bush bashing.....

Dealing with Iran and Syria is controversial. Nevertheless, it is our view that in diplomacy, a nation can and should engage its adversaries and enemies to try to resolve conflicts and differences consistent with its own interests. Accordingly, the Support Group should actively engage Iran and Syria in its diplomatic dialogue, without preconditions.

But it is surprising, coming from someone who claims possess what he believes to be a moderate level of knowledge about the middle east, that the bashing is directed towards the WRONG country:

QUESTION: What role did the U.S. Government play in helping to set this up or bringing up the idea of it or pushing the Iraqis to do it?

MR. MCCORMACK: Well, this, if you remember -- if you rewind the tape a little bit back to the fall time, this is something that Prime Minister Maliki actually raised first as a possibility and it's something that they have been thinking about and working on. A number of different outside groups, including the Baker-Hamilton group, had talked about this idea of a regional meeting and perhaps the U.S. hosting it or others hosting it, and it clearly was an idea of some merit. And it was actually, I believe, the Iraqis who first thought of this idea of a regional meeting. We thought it was a good idea. But they made it very clear that they wanted to take the initiative on this and we agree with that because it should be the Iraqis who are able to call for a meeting and invite others to their country and to Baghdad to talk about issues of concern to them. And it was important that there not be any perception whatsoever that any other country was trying to negotiate over their heads -- over the heads of this government.

But don't be stunned when you soon hear that all diplomatic options have been exhausted....;)
oh, so then you're fine with bending over for kim jong il and smooching up with the other two?

doesn't matter who came up with the idea(s). "if all your friends jumped off a cliff, would you do it, too?"
NoKo has agreed to disclose and dismantle its nuclear-related programs in order to receive significant aid and other benefits from SouthKorea, Russia, China and Japan, as well as the U.S. The Prime Minister of Iraq wants to hold regional meetings with the 2 countries on either side of him that are playing a destructive role in his country.

Anybody with a microphone has called for the U.S. to be "at the table" for diplomatic efforts to settle disputes ([liberals] "We've got to sit down and have a dialogue with these people."[/liberals]) and ultimately to keep nuclear weapons out of the hands of these psychos. But when we do it is labeled as "bending over for them?" The President is damned if he don't and damned if he do?

Pyongyang just wanted the handouts, imo. Iran wants a caliphate, to see Islam rule the world. Iran wants us to submit or die. They openly promote destruction of the US and Israel. Iran is the problem, these talks in Iraq are just a front, and soon all diplomatic options will have been exhausted.
Pyongyang just wanted the handouts, imo. Iran wants a caliphate, to see Islam rule the world. Iran wants us to submit or die. They openly promote destruction of the US and Israel. Iran is the problem, these talks in Iraq are just a front, and soon all diplomatic options will have been exhausted.

hmmm... to me, ultimately, N korea seems like more of a threat... iran could still swing back this way on its own. but whatever....