The Greatest degree of difficulty...


Well-Known Member what position within a band according to you? Which is the toughest job?

Bass, Drums, Guitar, Lead?

Speaking through personal, bitter, experience I will say the guitar. It is the most important instrument of the band and requires a great amount of skill to be done justice. While drums and Bass are an integral part of the band, guitar is the only intrument that can go solo to make a song (unless songs exist where the lead just sings with only drums playing or only bass playing?). It requires dexterity of the fingers and hours upon hours of practice over the years. Ofcourse the whole package requires greatness at every instrument and amazing songs writing and voice.

So on the technical side Guitar is the hardest but overall the Lead singer has it the toughest. Unfortunetly these guys and gals are under the toughest media scrutiny and also on the recieving end of the most positive attention. It is best advised that everyone in the band have their own image, not just the singer ala Red hot chili peppers...Anthony, flea, John are all known for their own skill, but when you have situations like No Doubt's first 5 years where Gwen got every single ounce of the publicity and love from the media you risk breaking the band up.

So in conclusion Guitar is hardest in technical ability but overall the singer, most often, defines the image of the band (not like the golden age of 70s and 60s when everyone in good bands was damn good at their instruments and got their deserved respect).

What, in your opinion, is the hardest job in the band?

(No producer, technical/sound engineer answers please and other such jobs)
By far the toughest position is the parent who has to finance the aspirations and surrender all semblance of life while listening to the hours and hours of practice that is played at a volume requiring fresh window caulk to be applied twice a year....And after surviving that for years you get to haul the thousands of dollars worth of equipment that you purchased to the gigs and pick it up afterwards only to hear them say "that was the easiest $50 I've ever made"....:retard: