I think that most agree that Gulf War Syndrome exists.
I think that most agree that there were, "over there", chemical weapons used on both sides of the fence.
What I fail to understand...is why governments are continuing to deny the syndrome exists/blame it on psychiatric ailments.
I think that most agree that there were, "over there", chemical weapons used on both sides of the fence.
What I fail to understand...is why governments are continuing to deny the syndrome exists/blame it on psychiatric ailments.
linkieScientists in the US say they have demonstrated the existence of the illness known as "Gulf war syndrome".
The findings are in a report by the influential Research Advisory Committee on Gulf war veterans' illness, leaked to the New York Times.
Committee chief scientist Professor Beatrice Golombe said that exposure to certain substances in the Gulf may have altered some troops' body chemistry.
The study was welcomed by British veterans of the Gulf war.
The secretary of the National Gulf Veterans and Families Benevolent Association, Noel Baker, said the US research was "very explosive".
He added that the Ministry of Defence, which has always denied the existence of a syndrome, would "have to take notice" of it.
"This is very, very senior research. It's not by any private venture or by someone with an axe to grind."
He described the attitude in the US as one of "genuinely wanting to find out if there is a problem.
"In the UK, the MoD doesn't want to find the truth".
The Ministry of Defence declined to comment on the leaked report.
A spokesman said the ministry's position on the syndrome was well-documented, and that there were on-going studies into it.
The ministry argues that there was no single cause of the illnesses reported by veterans from the conflict.
Thousands of veterans of the 1991 war suffer from unexplained poor health.
Servicemen and women from the US, UK, Canada and France who took part in the operation to drive Saddam Hussein's forces from Kuwait have reported one or more symptoms, including memory loss, chronic fatigue and dizziness.
'Really ill' Many continue to suffer from chronic and debilitating illnesses more than a decade since the war.