The Hill: Perry To Drop Out, Ron Paul To Be Romney’s Rival


Well-Known Member
Congressman is Republican’s only chance of success against Obama

Paul Joseph Watson
Monday, September 26, 2011

Paul Joseph Watson
Monday, September 26, 2011

The implosion of Rick Perry’s presidential campaign has opened the door for Congressman Ron Paul to move up into second place and go head to head with Mitt Romney – that’s the prediction from The Hill, one of Washington’s most respected political newspapers.

Alex Jones explained why the momentum behind Ron Paul’s campaign has him firmly challenging as a top tier candidate on the Sunday show, and it’s a view increasingly being acknowledged by even mainstream political commentators.

Writing for The Hill, Capitol Hill’s most widely circulated newspaper, Brent Budowsky sounds the death knell for Rick Perry’s campaign.

“I wrote in August that Rick Perry will self- destruct within 30 days. His prospects for the presidency were as phony as the fantasy of a two-person race was false. Perry is a phony conservative who is not conservative. He is a pay-for-play politician who gobbled up Obama stimulus like a hound dog eating a bone, and created oceans of new government jobs in Texas while his big donors mysteriously received big government contracts. The Texas deficit ballooned and the Texas jobless rate doubled on Rick Perry’s watch,” writes Budowsky.

“I will not speculate about the reasons for Rick Perry’ s strange, weird and incoherent debate performance. Major new negative stories about Perry will soon emerge in the media. Trust me. Perry will drop out long before the year ends. If he dropped out today Ron Paul could well be in second place. Will pundits say it is a two-man race between Romney and Paul?”

As we have documented, the only thing standing between Paul and Romney is an admitted establishment media strategy to ignore the very existence of the Congressman’s campaign. Now that this hoax is quickly dissolving, Paul is set to be provided with the perfect platform from which to launch an assault on Romney’s lead in the national polls.

An an establishment RINO Republican, someone who has pushed big government policies equally as horrendous as anything Obama ever did, Romney’s chances of defeating the President are negligible. If he wins the Republican candidacy, Romney will only energize the hordes of Obamanoids to re-emerge and return Obama to the White House.

The same goes for Sarah Palin if she ever gets around to throwing her hat in the ring. Even aside from damaging recent revelations about her private life, Obama’s slick talk would absolutely cream Palin in the presidential debates and she would become a nationwide laughing stock overnight.

Polls have shown that while establishment Republicans have all lost popular approval at a similar pace to Obama, Ron Paul already has the numbers to be within striking distance of defeating Obama in a head to head run off – and that’s before he’s even been afforded one half of the national platform the media has bestowed upon Perry and Romney.

Once Ron Paul’s message is allowed to be heard, he will absolutely trounce Obama.

Only Ron Paul offers enough of an alternative to four more years of Obama to give the Republicans a chance of any success in 2012. Only Ron Paul’s solutions for returning America to sound money principles can begin to reverse decades of Republicans and Democrats allowing the nation’s economic base to be disastrously undermined.


Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show.


Imagine that.
well perry will drop out. and paul won't. as to the rest of it... infowars tripe.

you need help.
Cain sure is shaping up though.

*looks for catos sig*

999 is questionable. Too bad he's not light skinned and doesn't drop that negro accent. I still like him anyway.
I'm only moderately impressed with the 9-9-9.
I'd need quite a bit more detail before getting on board with that.
We'll see if he makes a few more rounds. The establishment doesn't
seems to know if he's a player or not yet. (they seem to be leaning toward not)
no there is no such thing as common sense. it went out with the bathwater when we let our cultural bent toward irrational joiner-ism foment to dominance with a large swath of the population.