The Impending Obama Meltdown


molṑn labé
Staff member
Victor Davis Hanson

Some of us have been warning that it was not healthy for the U.S. media to have deified rather than questioned Obama, especially given that they tore apart Bush, ridiculed Palin, and caricatured Hillary. And now we can see the results of their two years of advocacy rather than scrutiny.

We are quite literally after two weeks teetering on an Obama implosion—and with no Dick Morris to bail him out—brought on by messianic delusions of grandeur, hubris, and a strange naivete that soaring rhetoric and a multiracial profile can add requisite cover to good old-fashioned Chicago politicking.

First, there were the sermons on ethics, belied by the appointments of tax dodgers, crass lobbyists, and wheeler-dealers like Richardson—with the relish of the Blago tapes still to come. (And why does Richardson/Daschle go, but not Geithner?).

Second, was the "stimulus" (the euphemism for "borrow/print money") that was simply a way to go into debt for a generation to shower Democratic constituencies with cash.

Then third, there were the inflated lectures on historic foreign policy to be made by the clumsy political novice who trashed his own country and his predecessor in the most ungracious manner overseas to a censored Saudi-run press organ (e.g., Bush is dictatorial, the Saudi king is courageous; Obama can mend bridges that America broke to aggrieved Muslims—apparently Tehran hostages, Rushdie, serial attacks in the 1990s, 9/11, Madrid, London never apparently occurred; and neither did feeding Somalis, saving Kuwait, protesting Chechnya, Bosnia/Kosovo, billions to Egypt, Jordan, the Palestinians, help in two Afghan wars, and on and on).

Fourth, there was the campaign rhetoric of Bush shredding the Constitution—FISA, Guantánamo, the Patriot Act, Iraq, renditions, etc.—followed by "all that for now stays the same" inasmuch as we haven't ben hit in over seven years and can't risk another attack.

Fifth, Gibbs as press secretary is a Scott McClellan nightmare that won't go away, given his long McClellan-like relationship with Obama (McClellan should have been fired on day hour one on the job). Blaming Fox News for Obama's calamities is McClellan to the core and doesn't work. He already reminds me of Reverend Wright's undoing at the National Press Club—and he will get worse.

Six, Biden is being Biden. Already, he's ridiculed the chief justice, trashed the former VP, bragged on himself ad nauseam in Bidenesque weird ways, and it's only been two weeks.

And the result of all this?

At home, Obama is becoming laughable and laying the groundwork for the greatest conservative populist reaction since the Reagan Revolution.

Abroad, some really creepy people are lining up to test Obama's world view of "Bush did it/but I am the world": The North Koreans are readying their missiles; the Iranians are calling us passive, bragging on nukes and satellites; Russia is declaring missile defense is over and the Euros in real need of iffy Russian gas; Pakistanis say no more drone attacks (and then our friends the Indians say "shut up" about Kashmir and the Euros order no more "buy American").

This is quite serious. I can't recall a similarly disastrous start in a half-century (far worse than Bill Clinton's initial slips). Obama immediately must lower the hope-and-change rhetoric, ignore Reid/Pelosi, drop the therapy, and accept the tragic view that the world abroad is not misunderstood but quite dangerous. And he must listen on foreign policy to his National Security Advisor, Billary, and the Secretary of Defense. If he doesn't quit the messianic style and perpetual campaign mode, and begin humbly governing, then he will devolve into Carterism—angry that the once-fawning press betrayed him while we the people, due to our American malaise, are to blame.

02/04 07:15 AM

The members on the right here have been completely reduced to posting ridiculous opinion pieces. Awesome.

You managed to find an especially dumb one too.
Once again, no defense offered, just more inane banter.

No defense needed. I could post some opposite opinion piece if you'd like. It's not like there's any shortage. Obama is a success and doing far and away better than and all you can do is post doom and gloom opinion pieces.

First: ethics in this administration are a huge improvement over the last

Second: Bush started the stimulus idea

Third: That's an idiotic paragraph. Bush's foreign policy was idiotic and we're already off to a better start.

Fourth: Bush did shred the Constitution and we're now on the way to restoring it.

Fifth: Gibbs is fine

Sixth: How about we exagerrate and get all alarmist. :laugh: Biden is fine.

Sorry Gonz. Opinion journalism isn't.

It's pretty entertaining to see what you've been reduced to. Republicans look like they'll be losing even more ground soon. You post some inane opinion piece and thought you proved something. :laugh:

I guess that's all you have though.
Sorry Gonz. Opinion journalism isn't.

A perfect description of the piece you posted. :grinyes:

I never suggested it was journalism or anyting but banter.

I was hoping that someone could use it as a springboard to something interesting. Instead, it becomes just another "Bush is the most evil twisted man ever to enter the White House" crap that we've been hearing for 8 years.
Nice to see you too. It's always so helpful when you add to the conversation.

At least Mr Hanson said something that offered substance, unlike the educated monkeys here.
right on, gonz. *punch*

being an ass won't help resolve another instance of the same.

so now there is "substance" to the banter?

when you've got all your rules figured out, please post them for the rest of us.

“We were just tired of being in the White House,” the two-week-old president, with Michelle at his side, explained to students at a public charter school near the White House.
"Some things in life are bad,
They can really make you mad,
Other things just make you swear and curse.
When you're chewing on life's gristle
Don't grumble, give a whistle.
And this'll help things turn out for the best."

0bama's greatest hits.



With that half-assed, flippant salute his distaste for the military shows:

As a result, I imagine a few Marines had a good chuckle over prez Dork.