The importance of headlines


molṑn labé
Staff member
Justice Breyer goes 0-3 on NPR news quiz

That is the AP headline on Yahoo mews. Seems rather ominous. A Supreme Court Justice who fails simple radio quizzes. Then, almost at the end of the story is this little tidbit...

But Breyer struck out when it came to the "Not My Job" questions, failing to answer any correctly about strange moments in the lives of rock stars David Bowie, Ozzy Osbourne and Iggy Pop.

No matter how you cut it, those subjects do not constitute a "news quiz".


oh, and since when is child molester Paula Poundstone a newsie for NPR?
yep. and the manipulation goes both ways. kinda like the navy.

but ultimately, it all serves conservative purposes, because the media is SO ASININE that most can't help being dismissive and then tend to fall back on conventional/conservative ideas.