From the NY Times.
Where GW Bush stands on;
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Where GW Bush stands on;
Abortion The President opposes abortion, but he has said that neither the country nor Congress is ready for a ban on the procedure.
Affirmative Action: Mr. Bush says he opposes racial quotas and racial preferences.
Campaign Finance: Mr. Bush has foregone public financing for his presidential campaigns.
Death Penalty: Supports the death penalty.
Economy, Taxes & Trade: President Bush has signed tax cuts each of the past three years, including a $1.35 trillion cut over 10 years signed in 2001.
Education: Supports taxpayer-financed vouchers for tuition at parochial or other private schools.
Environment: Favors allowing oil drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.
Foreign Policy, Terrorism & Iraq: Following Sept. 11 attacks on United States, instituted policy of pre-emptive strikes against suspected threats to the nation's security, where U.S. would act alone or with others to protect the nation.
Gay Rights: Opposes gay marriage; Supports a constitutional amendment defining marriage as the union between a man and a woman.
Gun Control: Favors granting immunity to gun makers from civil lawsuits.
Healthcare:Signed a law giving the elderly prescription drug coverage under Medicare for the first time, at an estimated cost of $400 billion over the next 10 years.
Homeland Security & National Defense:Following the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, created new cabinet-level position to coordinate anti-terrorism efforts.
Social Security: Favors private investment accounts in Social Security.
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