The joys of social grooming


Well-Known Member
MY 7 y/o has found her place the family structure.

I had her scratching some minor itches on my back after a nice cool shower. (being the Alpha-male, I got it like that)

Now everyone (male) occasional gets those little itty-bitty bumps on their back that itch. You know, once you scratch one, all the rest in the area begin to itch.

She has young eyes, small fingers and can find them before they become little bumps, I tell you I was impressed.

She would squeeeeeze with her little fingers and popped'd out one little white 'rock' after another. Some were incredibly well formed for as small as they were.

It wasnt until she applied the astringent, that I realised just how many micro-crater she had excavated on my back.

She was very proud of her newly found talent, I am pleased at the result too, I have no insane itchys I cannot reach this morning.
There is nothing even remotely perverse in that. ('specially from an anthropological point of view).

Would it make you feel better to know that the whole the family was watching a Nat'l Geographic DVD in the same room?
ResearchMonkey said:
Would it make you feel better to know that the whole the family was watching a Nat'l Geographic DVD in the same room?
I personally felt indifferent from the beginning. I didn't see anything wrong either. :shrug: I think IC is seeing something that isn't there. RM, I have two words for you: shower brush. I started using one in the late seventies and it pretty much eliminated those little f*ckers.
I had my hair up in a sloppy bun to keep it out of my face till I got a chance to fix it up to go to the beach this morning.

So my 8 year old comes to me and, here's your hairbrush. I said thanks, Riley, and put it down. He looks at me like I'm from another planet, and says, Mom, I brought that for your hair that's sticking up. :hmm:

little shit lol.
chcr said:
RM, I have two words for you: shower brush.
And I have two words for you too- "Loo-fah"

I use a loofah on a stick. My wife can't even see these little ones my daughter finds. She checks for them often (I think it's some form of weird ritualist fore-play, dunno !?!)
Yep, I know what the loofah is. I think the brush works better myself. You can scrub harder. The times I've tried a loofah on a stick I usually end up breaking the stick. Of course on the one hand, I'm pretty hairy and on the other I'm not glued to a vinyl seat (don't I remember you saying you're a truck driver?) through any part of my work day. I never supposed it works for everyone, just know it works for me. :)

P.S. Is it supposed to be hyphenated? :confused:
:wink2: @ SoloGato

I’m one of those mostly hairless guys. Little blonde hair on my arms and legs, a well defined salt and pepper happy trail. No hair to speak of on my shoulders or back. And it looks like I will be keeping all the hair up top too. :nanabang:

I drive a Dodge Durango if that qualifies my for a truck driver, Right On!

I spend most of my time at the clackity-clack (good ol’ IBM keyboard), on the phone, and I have to travel sometimes. (for pleasure and pain).

(I had to make loofah into two words)
ResearchMonkey said:
I drive a Dodge Durango if that qualifies my for a truck driver, Right On!

*clears throat & loudly procalims...NOT IN THIS LIFE :D

Your brain in a 4 wheeler

Your brain in a truck

Any questions? :D