The Ladykillers


Too cute for words
Went to see it earlier. Pretty good. Excellent comedy, pretty good morality play. Tom Hanks' character could not be much weirder.
Coen bothers are excellent filmmakers. Saw Intolerable cruelty yesterday, hilarious film. Just goes to show that comedy can be great without raunchy sex jokes or bodily humor, I mean they have their place but after so many teen comedies, which rely on laughs through the lowest common denominator, it was great to see a comedy which moved at such a pace and wit...all without dumbing down characters to regular cliches of sophomoric porportions.
I'll look forward to that :) O' Brother Where Art Thou was a piece of film genius.........if ladykillers used a fraction of that kinda skill, I reckon I'll love it.
i read a rather bland review on "The Ladykillers", but I'm very much looking forward to seeing it.
I might rent it, but I'm skeptical. How can this remake improve upon the original? Peter Sellers and Alec Guinness are far better actors than Tom Hanks and whoever is playing Sellers's character. :rolleyes:
Ms Ann Thrope said:
I might rent it, but I'm skeptical. How can this remake improve upon the original? Peter Sellers and Alec Guinness are far better actors than Tom Hanks and whoever is playing Sellers's character. :rolleyes:

An interesting thing happened on my way to the back page of teh newspaper on Friday. I stopped & read the movie reviews. Something I seldomly do. My first thought when I read the poison spewing from the guy who gets paid for watching movies and saw the term allegorical tale was "I hate movies where the reviewer uses the word allegorical" & my second thought was, I bet Ms Ann Thrope would love them.

Dogville, a highly stylized allegorical tale about small-mindedness in a big country, is not for everyone. It is darkly funny, intellectually challenging and obliquely didactic. It also grows bleaker over the course of its nearly three-hour running time.

I'll go see The Ladykillers & you go see this & we'll both be happy. ;)

USA Today
Gonz said:
An interesting thing happened on my way to the back page of teh newspaper on Friday. I stopped & read the movie reviews. Something I seldomly do. My first thought when I read the poison spewing from the guy who gets paid for watching movies and saw the term allegorical tale was "I hate movies where the reviewer uses the word allegorical" & my second thought was, I bet Ms Ann Thrope would love them.

I'll go see The Ladykillers & you go see this & we'll both be happy. ;)

USA Today
thanks for the tip, Gonz... how did you know that the term "obliquely didactic" turns me on beyond belief? :winkkiss: