The lawsuits they just keep a comin'


Well-Known Member
Now the Omamanites are suing Glendale (AZ) College.


Wow! The lawsuits get even crazier...

By Bobby Eberle September 8, 2010 7:13 AM

Arizona is in the middle of another lawsuit. No, this one does not involve their legislation that simply restates existing federal law. This law suit, brought about by Obama's Justice Department, focuses on the hiring practices of the Maricopa County Community College District. Obama's people are claiming that it is wrong for the District to require foreign nationals to show their "green cards" before being offered a job. So, let's get this straight... a foreigner gets a "green card" so that he or she may legally work in this country, yet the Obama administration is suing this Phoenix community college for asking that the "green cards" be shown. Can things get any crazier?

According to a story in The Wasington Times, "The lawsuit alleges that the school district engaged in a 'pattern or practice of discrimination by imposing unnecessary and discriminatory hurdles to employment for work authorized non-citizens,' and seeks a penalty of $1,100 for each of 247 non-U.S. citizens identified during a yearlong investigation." What are these "unnecessary and discriminatory hurdles"? According to the federal government, if you ask a foreign national to produce his green card in order to be considered for a job, that is an unnecessary and discriminatory hurdle.

The Arizona Republic, which first covered the story, states:

The suit says that Glendale Community College offered a part-time math teaching position to Zainul Singaporewalla in August 2008. He accepted and produced a Department of Homeland Security form proving his permanent legal status as well as a California driver's license and Social Security card.The college then asked Singaporewalla to fill out a non-U.S. citizen employee tax data form, and to provide a permanent resident card, which staff told him was a federal requirement. When he questioned the validity of the request and was unable to produce the card, the job offer was rescinded.​

Obama and his followers often talk about the fact that we don't need to secure our borders, because many illegal aliens came to the country legally but overstayed their work visas. If that's the case, wouldn't it be wise to actually check the documentation to make sure the worker is legal? Just a thought...

And that's not all. Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio is also being sued by Obama's Justice Department. The lawsuit alleges "racial profiling, unconstitutional search and seizures, police misconduct and discrimination." As noted in a story on Human Events, "Arpaio said the Justice Department investigation began after allegations were made by local media outlets, but after more than a year of DOJ lawyers 'roaming around the state,' there is no evidence of racial profiling or discrimination. He said a Homeland Security audit of his department 'came out great' and showed no evidence of rights violations."

"Today's lawsuit by the Department of Justice is part of a deliberate media strategy to 'get tough' on Sheriff Arpaio and the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office, and undermine immigration enforcement by a local sheriff who is trying desperately to make up for this administration's own indifference to the topic," said Robert N. Driscoll, counsel to the Maricopa County sheriff's office.​

So there you have it... the state that has taken the lead in cracking down on illegal immigration is now the target of Obama and his legal team. Forget enforcing the law. Forget protecting U.S. Citizens. Forget ridding sovereign U.S. land from foreign drug dealers and human traffickers. Forget all of that. According to Obama, if it's an immigration law, enforce it at your own peril. What a country!
"He accepted and produced a Department of Homeland Security form proving his permanent legal status as well as a California driver's license and Social Security card."

that seems quite sufficient to prove work eligibility to me. the college is obviously in the wrong. well, i guess it is open season on immigrants there, anyway, regardless of the law.

go get 'em sheriff joe! the tough guy wankery is just sooooo tiring.
The federal government attacking its own
to promote illegal immigration
that’s just messed up

deport the lot of them
imprison those the skulk back in
anchor babies? We don’t need no
steekin’ anchor babies
"He accepted and produced a Department of Homeland Security form proving his permanent legal status as well as a California driver's license and Social Security card."

that seems quite sufficient to prove work eligibility to me. the college is obviously in the wrong. well, i guess it is open season on immigrants there, anyway, regardless of the law.

go get 'em sheriff joe! the tough guy wankery is just sooooo tiring.

This from the Employment Eligibility Verification Form I-9 which every worker has to submit prior to employment.

Anti-Discrimination Notice: It is illegal to discriminate against any individual (other than an alien not authorized to work in the United States) in hiring, discharging, or recruiting or referring for a fee because of that individual's national origin or citizenship status.

Then look at the list of acceptable documents on the last page of the form and you will see that the college is doing exactly what the law requires.

Also, the college is authorized by law to discriminate against the guy; because he was unable to present the document which states that he is legally eligible to work in this country.
thanks for the link. column A OR column B AND C. read "section 2, employer" and it will become clear to you that the driver's license (B) and social security card (C) are sufficient.
Anyone else remember when the SSA card was not to be considered as identification?
Why would it be, period? Once again, the intent (or claimed intent) has been completely destroyed. It'll NEVER EVER exceed 3%.
Anyone else remember when the SSA card was not to be considered as identification?

It used to state right on the front of the card that it was not to be used as an identification card. Now, you have to show it to your bank (TIN), your health care provider (simply too lazy to make up their own number), and your insurance company (also too lazy).