The Love Letter


New Member
Hey nalani ... it's on DVD:

If you haven't seen this movie and you love chick flicks, check it out ...

"... I speak to you in my mind and heart
if only you existed outside of them ..."

halamikage said:
nalani said:
*bitchslaps self because I'm a scum friend who forgot to bring the video to work*


Worry not there "one true friend," :D I'll live!

hehehe ... we haven't referred to each other that way in a long time :)
why won't you have time to watch it tonight?

does this mean that you're gonna help me with my homework? *hopeful smile*

btw - how come yer ICQ is off?
do you need help braiding? I could use a brain break ...

geez, I'm acting as if I spent my whole weekend reading and studying and stuff ... :D
I pau braid. I just have to add my clicks.

I'm debating whether or not I should be a good sister, and repair my set after my sister finishes hers. That way, if she doesn't have enough, she can use my extras. Hmm ... am I feeling the sisterly love?