the luckiest mom ever ...


Well-Known Member
For the past week, I haven't been sleeping really well .. y'all know I was on a trip for two weeks .. I got back on Sunday night and *wham* went right back to work at 7:30 Monday morning. I was going to use this weekend to sleep and get back in to a normal pattern ...

Friday morning, my eldest son had to wake up early and get ready for work. They were going to spend the day working in the valley which about an hours drive from where we live. He kissed me on the cheek and told me goodbye at around 5:30am. Since I was up, I figured I'd start a pot of coffee .. the little ones (guess I should stop calling them that seeing as how they're not so little anymore :D) heard me making coffee and when I got back in bed, they jumped in bed with me ...

On Saturday morning, my son was going with diving with ku'u's boyfriend so he got up, got his gear ready and kissed me goodbye at 6am. My little ones got up right after that because they too had an outing that day and they wanted to help me make their lunch.

Yesterday morning, my son was again going diving, this time really early because they were going to another part of the island .. so he kissed me and said goodbye at 4:30am.

So, I started feeling a little fussy about not getting to sleep at all over the weekend as I had planned when the brutal reality hit me like a ton of bricks and smacked me right on my ass ...

My kids still kiss me goodbye. Even my eldest, at 15, still kisses me goodbye.

I was in tears, a little ashamed of even beginning to feel fussy about not sleeping ... I am honestly one of the lucky ones.

Gratitude? From a woman under 75? I'll be damned.

Good for you Na & good for your kids.
they love their mommy :). glad to hear your kids arent too bad especially one at 15 ;). rock on nal. oh and you can still call them your little ones. they are your babies after all. rock on!! this is proof that great parents=great kids. now if all those bad parents would do that there would be less probs.