The Many Virtures of Nancy Pelosi.


Well-Known Member
I would like to discuss the many wonderful things Nancy Pelosi has said that helped to create harmony in the United States.

I would like to see the full picture of her statements and action that are suppose make me feel better about the state of the union.
  • Just recently she said she want to investigate people who don't want the Ground Zero Mosque.
  • She also said that it's a local zoning issue even though the call to Allah will be echoing through the grounds where many Americans were dissolved as the plummeted to earth as the Twin Towers fell.
For some odd reason, call me crazy, these statements seems to be at odds with my reality.

Help me to see the bigger picture of Nancy Pelosi.


Well, if you really must ask..... one of her virtues is that her brow never wrinkles......

Or is it just me????? I'm just askin'.....

well, she does seem to like the word "the word", an awful lot.

I thought she was going to blow out an eye on that go around.