The meaning of my name in jive....


Da name o' Mark gives yo' ass some real damn individual, reserved, serious
nature. Yo' ass stick stubborn-like t' yo' brainstorms o' decisions, in spite
o' no appeals o' De'ah Abby; yo' ass aint willin' t'accept some compromise. Yo'
ass prefa' t' be monk-like wit' yo' own thoughts, ratha' dan in da company o'
otha's. Slap me some skin. Dis name restricts spontaneity in associashun an'
da damn fluency o' yo' verbal 'espression. When yo' ass be required t'espress
yourself in puh'sonal matta's requirin' finesse an' diplomacy, yo' ass feel
awkward an' embarrassed. Although yo' ass realize puh'fect-like well whut be
'espected o' yo' ass, yo' ass be unable t' find da damn right words, an' hence
yo' ass fat-lady down sayin' sump'n inappropriate in some candid way. Fuckin'
A! Yo' ass kin 'espress yo' deepa' thoughts an' feelings best through
scratchin'. Yo' friendships an' puh'sonal associashuns be ratha' restricted,
bein' limited t' dose-dair o' some similah' nature who kin dig an' accept yo'
ratha' straightforward yet reserved manna'. Yo' ass be staidfast an' loyal, an'
do not allow fish fo' food o' anythin' belittlin' t' be said against dose-dair
whom yo' ass accept in friendship. Yo' ass find satisfacshun in bein' outdo's
o' in gittin' out into nature, o' in dealin' wit' da damn products o' da damn
eart'. Sheeeiit. Dair be originality an' dept' o' thought contained in dis
name, particular-like along practical an' mathematical lines. 'S coo', bro.
Dis name kin adverse-like affect da damn healt' o' yo' respiratory organs, da
heart an' lungs. Yo' mama. Also, yo' ass be prone t' suffa' from waiknesses
centerin' in da thinka'.
The site disclaimer:

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Pay attenshun dat da damn contents o' dis forum be aich time puh'tainin' t'
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Furthermo' Moderata' an' Administrata' kin delete Posts an' Accounts 4 da
followin' raisons, dig dis: violashun against badass manna's without furtha'

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