The monster unmasked


Southern Discomfort
The Face of Modern Racism

A black professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology is blaming racism for the fact that he was recently denied tenure, and the Boston Globe is wasting no time giving him a platform for his grievances.

Dr. James L. Sherley, a stem cell researcher, admits that he has never suffered any “overt racism” but says that he has endured a hostile environment nonetheless. He says people often ask him which lab he works in when in fact he runs his own lab. For not taking the advice of other scientists on the faculty, he says, he was labeled "stubborn" instead of independent-minded.

And, worst of all, after he was involved at a shouting match about the relative merits of embryonic and adult stem cells, Sherley says he stopped getting invited to the dinners. Imagine!

"This is what racism looks like today," he said.


Lame, man. Real lame.

What this gentleman is experiencing is not racism. It is a phenomenon known commonly as naturally occurring consequences to behavior. Sometimes astute parents use similar techniques in teaching children right from wrong. In short, it states that when one behaves a certain way, one can expect certain reactions to that behavior to follow. For example, if one turns on the burner on the stove and places one's hand thereon, one will receive a burn to the hand. Ergo, when one becomes involved in a shouting match at a professional dinner, one may expect not to be invited back to dinner.


Just because dude is black and he didn't get everything he wanted does not make the reaction a racist action. The big bad world owes each of us the same thing: Jack Shit. What we get we earn, either positively or negatively. One would think that a gentleman of Mr. Sherley's obvious advanced learning would have picked that up along the way. Maybe he has, but his zeal toward being a victim of racism has clouded his ability to see forests because the damn trees get in the way. Regardless, his claims are ludicrous and pitiful. He'll end up doing more harm to his reputation than he would ever hope to gain by forcing these claims. At least I hope that's what happens; anymore, one never quite knows.

[/SnP mortaring in another brick]
This specific case is probably just whining. You are right, snp, the world does owe us jack shit and that we get what we earn, however I'm willing to bet that black people have to try thismuch harder to earn the same as a white person.
{devil's advocate}Um, has anyone ever look at it this way? White folk built the world the way it is today. White folk worked that much harderin the past to get us where we are today, no?

And can't racism in this form (preferential hiring, diner invites) simply be seen a nepotism to the nth degree?

Is hiring my white neighbour, or a cousin, instead of a qualified black person still racism?
SouthernN'Proud said:
[/SnP mortaring in another brick]

[Gato kicking down SnP's wall with a little wisdom]

I know racism. Been through it quite a bit. You are correct in your assessment of the situation there, but hiding from it won't change it. While I like to engage in a little fantasy about buying an island, just as you engage in your fantasy about walling out the idiots, and the progressives fantasize about moving to Canada, we're stuck here. We can either change attitudes, or change sides. If you take a peek at the newspaper, The Boston Globe, you'll begin to understand the implications.

1. New England, for all of it's bluff and bluster, is one of the most racist areas in the world. I've been treated better here in South Carolina than I ever was up North. Why? Because it's easier to deal with somebody you know, for a fact, doesn't like you than to deal with somebody you aren't sure about. I think it's called integrity.
2. Because of the lack of integrity in New England, it's made it a heck of a lot easier to cry wolf, and get attention, and then get your way. What Dr. Sherley needs, is exactly what he got...Losing a bid for tenure is the same as being fired to a college professor. His bluff got called, and now he has to face the consequences. Since he's already started down that path of 'victim', however, his chances of being picked up by another school are also diminished. He'll fade away once something important happens. Watch and see. ;)
Nobody more racist than a liberal. Conservatives just don't give a shit until you prove your worth
I wouldn't kick that wall too hard...I'm armed, remember?

I won't get into the whole New England/Dixie debate. I know what I know, and that is suffificent for me.

Every person alive has been a victim of racism. It happened to me already today.

I will not change my attitude, nor will I change sides. I will change the things I can control; namely, my environment. I am fortunate enough to live in an area where people are treated on a merit system. Show them what you're mad eof, and you'll be treated accordingly by most. The rest I refuse to allow under my skin. That's what the bricks are for. No way in hell I can change them, so I can only disallow their whining to bother me. I can only limit my access to the places they seem to congregate, and I do so happily; they are, by and large, afraid to come around here too so it all works out. Am I segregating myself then?

You bet your sweet ass I am. And I am far from the only one who does it.

Sherley is ruining himself over this issue, no question. It's his choice to respond in the manner he has responded. Just as it is my choice to call him out on it albeit on a message board he'll likely never see. He chose to go public and use a high profile in vogue complaint to address a personal issue. For that reason I called him a moron. I stand by the assessment.

No, I can't change this trend. But I don't have to endorse it either. Neither do I have to be swept along by a society that is eating its own tail. I've done all I can reasonably do to that end. I've found a place to live that reflects many of my own attitudes, and there shall I remain. Now get off my bricks, I'm losing daylight here.
SouthernN'Proud said:
I wouldn't kick that wall too hard...I'm armed, remember?

You're also a man who is in law enforcement. I figure you to be the type to question first, and shoot later. ;)

SnP said:
I won't get into the whole New England/Dixie debate. I know what I know, and that is suffificent for me.

Psst...I was agreeing with your assessment. That's why I put the word integrity in bold. If a person knows what they're getting into, they are much more likely to react in an honest manner.

SnP said:
Every person alive has been a victim of racism. It happened to me already today.

What's wrong is wrong, and what's right is right. There is no middle ground. ;)

SnP said:
I will not change my attitude, nor will I change sides. I will change the things I can control; namely, my environment. I am fortunate enough to live in an area where people are treated on a merit system. Show them what you're mad eof, and you'll be treated accordingly by most. The rest I refuse to allow under my skin. That's what the bricks are for. No way in hell I can change them, so I can only disallow their whining to bother me. I can only limit my access to the places they seem to congregate, and I do so happily; they are, by and large, afraid to come around here too so it all works out. Am I segregating myself then?

You bet your sweet ass I am. And I am far from the only one who does it.

Now get off my bricks, I'm losing daylight here.

Never said you had to change your attitude. :grinno: Being honest and just is who you are. I meant changing other people. As for changing sides...that's just an option. One I, personally, wouldn't take, but it's an option none-the-less. :shrug:

As for losing daylight...I thought you were in Tennessee...You've got at least 5 more hours. :p
The Face of Modern Racism

A black professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology is blaming racism for the fact that he was recently denied tenure, and the Boston Globe is wasting no time giving him a platform for his grievances.

Dr. James L. Sherley, a stem cell researcher, admits that he has never suffered any “overt racism” but says that he has endured a hostile environment nonetheless. He says people often ask him which lab he works in when in fact he runs his own lab. For not taking the advice of other scientists on the faculty, he says, he was labeled "stubborn" instead of independent-minded.

And, worst of all, after he was involved at a shouting match about the relative merits of embryonic and adult stem cells, Sherley says he stopped getting invited to the dinners. Imagine!

"This is what racism looks like today," he said.

I can only think of one racist in there.........himself.
It's probably that's where he was getting his stuff from at that time. Since then (you'll notice the timestamp on his post), he's posted sources, just like we've had everyone else do.

Not that the merits of what's being discussed are more important than where the source is, of course.
Not that the merits of what's being discussed are more important than where the source is, of course.

Exactly, when what's been discussed is a bunch of speculation based on a whiny assed opinion piece with no source there's not much merit.

It's funny that people are gullible enough to declare that there was no racism, make statements about "society", or have any kind of relevant discussion based on this BS.

very little effort

Easier when the link is provided but a name & a source (Boston Globe) brings about the same result. Posting sections or complete stories without sourcing it is theft.
very little effort

Easier when the link is provided but a name & a source (Boston Globe) brings about the same result. Posting sections or complete stories without sourcing it is theft.

You didn't happen to notice that what you posted is a different article did you?

So you going to address this theft?
1. New England, for all of it's bluff and bluster, is one of the most racist areas in the world. I've been treated better here in South Carolina than I ever was up North. Why? Because it's easier to deal with somebody you know, for a fact, doesn't like you than to deal with somebody you aren't sure about. I think it's called integrity.

Nevertheless, while it's nice to know where you really stand rather than play games, a dumbshit with integrity is still a dumbshit.